Hive uses spark-submit to launch the spark jobs - that's why the assembly is needed.

On 03/16/2017 11:54 PM, Reynold Xin wrote:
Why do you need an assembly? Is there something preventing Hive from depending on normal jars like all other applications?

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Zoltan Haindrich < <>> wrote:


    Hive needs a spark assembly to execute the HoS tests.
    Until now…this assembly have been downloaded from an S3 bucket -
    because this is not the best solution available, it sometimes
    causes troubles and inconveniences...

    We had a discussion about improving this; and the best option
    would be to download spark-without-hive assembly from the maven
    repository...but that opens up a few questions:

    1) which project should publish it: Hive or Spark?
    2) what should be the group-id? this artifact is only needed for
    Hive...but it contains Spark code! :) so its in some kind of grey
    3) how will we be able to get a spark-without-hive artifact for
    2.0.0 - since that version is already released?

    for more details:

    What do you guys think?


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