Yes, the PR allows you to set say 1.5. The New configuration property
defaults to spark.executor.cores, which defaults to 1.

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018, 3:03 PM Kimoon Kim <> wrote:

> David, glad it helped! And thanks for your clear example.
> > The only remaining question would then be what a sensible default for
> *spark.kubernetes.executor.cores *would be. Seeing that I wanted more
> than 1 and Yinan wants less, leaving it at 1 night be best.
> 1 as default SGTM.
> Thanks,
> Kimoon
> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 1:38 PM, David Vogelbacher <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for linking that PR Kimoon.
>> It actually does mostly address the issue I was referring to. As the
>> issue <> I linked
>> in my first email states, one physical cpu might not be enough to execute a
>> task in a performant way.
>> So if I set *spark.executor.cores=1* and *spark.task.cpus=1* , I will
>> get 1 core from Kubernetes and execute one task per Executor and run into
>> performance problems.
>> Being able to specify `spark.kubernetes.executor.cores=1.2` would fix the
>> issue (1.2 is just an example).
>> I am curious as to why you, Yinan, would want to use this property to
>> request less than 1 physical cpu (that is how it sounds to me on the PR).
>> Do you have testing that indicates that less than 1 physical CPU is
>> enough for executing tasks?
>> In the end it boils down to the question proposed by Yinan:
>> > A relevant question is should Spark on Kubernetes really be opinionated
>> on how to set the cpu request and limit and even try to determine this
>> automatically?
>> And I completely agree with your answer Kimoon, we should provide
>> sensible defaults and make it configurable, as Yinan’s PR does.
>> The only remaining question would then be what a sensible default for 
>> *spark.kubernetes.executor.cores
>> *would be. Seeing that I wanted more than 1 and Yinan wants less,
>> leaving it at 1 night be best.
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> *From: *Kimoon Kim <>
>> *Date: *Friday, March 30, 2018 at 4:28 PM
>> *To: *Yinan Li <>
>> *Cc: *David Vogelbacher <>, "
>>" <>
>> *Subject: *Re: [Kubernetes] Resource requests and limits for Driver and
>> Executor Pods
>> I see. Good to learn the interaction between spark.task.cpus and
>> spark.executor.cores. But am I right to say that PR #20553 can be still
>> used as an additional knob on top of those two? Say a user wants 1.5 core
>> per executor from Kubernetes, not the rounded up integer value 2?
>> > A relevant question is should Spark on Kubernetes really be opinionated
>> on how to set the cpu request and limit and even try to determine this
>> automatically?
>> Personally, I don't see how this can be auto-determined at all. I think
>> the best we can do is to come up with sensible default values for the most
>> common case, and provide and well-document other knobs for edge cases.
>> Thanks,
>> Kimoon
>> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 12:37 PM, Yinan Li <> wrote:
>> PR #20553 []
>> <>
>>  is
>> more for allowing users to use a fractional value for cpu requests. The
>> existing spark.executor.cores is sufficient for specifying more than one
>> cpus.
>> > One way to solve this could be to request more than 1 core from
>> Kubernetes per task. The exact amount we should request is unclear to me
>> (it largely depends on how many threads actually get spawned for a task).
>> A good indication is spark.task.cpus, and on average how many tasks are
>> expected to run by a single executor at any point in time. If each executor
>> is only expected to run one task at most at any point in time,
>> spark.executor.cores can be set to be equal to spark.task.cpus.
>> A relevant question is should Spark on Kubernetes really be opinionated
>> on how to set the cpu request and limit and even try to determine this
>> automatically?
>> On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 11:40 AM, Kimoon Kim <>
>> wrote:
>> > Instead of requesting `[driver,executor].memory`, we should just
>> request `[driver,executor].memory + [driver,executor].memoryOverhead `. I
>> think this case is a bit clearer than the CPU case, so I went ahead and
>> filed an issue []
>> <>
>>  with
>> more details and made a PR []
>> <>
>> .
>> I think this suggestion makes sense.
>> > One way to solve this could be to request more than 1 core from
>> Kubernetes per task. The exact amount we should request is unclear to me
>> (it largely depends on how many threads actually get spawned for a task).
>> I wonder if this is being addressed by PR #20553 []
>> <>
>>  written
>> by Yinan. Yinan?
>> Thanks,
>> Kimoon
>> On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 5:14 PM, David Vogelbacher <
>>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> At the moment driver and executor pods are created using the following
>> requests and limits:
>> *CPU*
>> *Memory*
>> *Request*
>> [driver,executor].cores
>> [driver,executor].memory
>> *Limit*
>> Unlimited (but can be specified using spark.[driver,executor].cores)
>> [driver,executor].memory + [driver,executor].memoryOverhead
>> Specifying the requests like this leads to problems if the pods only get
>> the requested amount of resources and nothing of the optional (limit)
>> resources, as it can happen in a fully utilized cluster.
>> *For memory:*
>> Let’s say we have a node with 100GiB memory and 5 pods with 20 GiB memory
>> and 5 GiB memoryOverhead.
>> At the beginning all 5 pods use 20 GiB of memory and all is well. If a
>> pod then starts using its overhead memory it will get killed as there is no
>> more memory available, even though we told spark
>> that it can use 25 GiB of memory.
>> Instead of requesting `[driver,executor].memory`, we should just request
>> `[driver,executor].memory + [driver,executor].memoryOverhead `.
>> I think this case is a bit clearer than the CPU case, so I went ahead and
>> filed an issue []
>> <>
>> with more details and made a PR []
>> <>
>> .
>> *For CPU:*
>> As it turns out, there can be performance problems if we only have
>> `executor.cores` available (which means we have one core per task). This
>> was raised here []
>> <>
>> and is the reason that the cpu limit was set to unlimited.
>> This issue stems from the fact that in general there will be more than
>> one thread per task, resulting in performance impacts if there is only one
>> core available.
>> However, I am not sure that just setting the limit to unlimited is the
>> best solution because it means that even if the Kubernetes cluster can
>> perfectly satisfy the resource requests, performance might be very bad.
>> I think we should guarantee that an executor is able to do its work well
>> (without performance issues or getting killed - as could happen in the
>> memory case) with the resources it gets guaranteed from Kubernetes.
>> One way to solve this could be to request more than 1 core from
>> Kubernetes per task. The exact amount we should request is unclear to me
>> (it largely depends on how many threads actually get spawned for a task).
>> We would need to find a way to determine this somehow automatically or at
>> least come up with a better default value than 1 core per task.
>> Does somebody have ideas or thoughts on how to solve this best?
>> Best,
>> David

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