Thanks for looking into this Shane!  If we are choosing a single python
3.x, I think 3.6 would be good. It might still be nice to test against
other versions too, so we can catch any issues. Is it possible to have more
exhaustive testing as part of a nightly or scheduled build? As a point of
reference for Python 3.6, Arrow is using this version for CI.


On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 9:49 PM Hyukjin Kwon <> wrote:

> Actually Python 3.7 is released (
> too and I fixed the
> compatibility issues accordingly -
> There has been an issue for 3.6 (comparing to lower versions of Python
> including 3.5) -
> I am not yet sure what's the best matrix for it actually. In case of R, we
> test lowest version in Jenkins and highest version via AppVeyor FWIW.
> I don't have a strong preference opinion on this since we have been having
> compatibility issues for each Python version.
> 2018년 8월 14일 (화) 오전 4:15, shane knapp <>님이 작성:
>> hey everyone!
>> i was checking out the EOL/release cycle for python 3.5 and it looks like
>> we'll have 3.5.6 released in early 2019.
>> this got me to thinking:  instead of 3.5, what about 3.6?
>> i looked around, and according to the 'docs' and 'collective wisdom of
>> the internets', 3.5 and 3.6 should be fully backwards-compatible w/3.4.
>> of course, this needs to be taken w/a grain of salt, as we're mostly
>> focused on actual python package requirements, rather than worrying about
>> core python functionality.
>> thoughts?  comments?
>> thanks in advance,
>> shane
>> --
>> Shane Knapp
>> UC Berkeley EECS Research / RISELab Staff Technical Lead

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