I would be comfortable making the integration testing manual for now.  A
JIRA for ironing out how to make it reliable for automatic as a goal for
3.0 seems like a good idea.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 8:11 AM Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Forking this thread.
> Because we'll have another RC, we could possibly address these two
> issues. Only if we have a reliable change of course.
> Is it easy enough to propagate the -Pscala-2.12 profile? can't hurt.
> And is it reasonable to essentially 'disable'
> kubernetes/integration-tests by removing it from the kubernetes
> profile? it doesn't mean it goes away, just means it's run manually,
> not automatically. Is that actually how it's meant to be used anyway?
> in the short term? given the discussion around its requirements and
> minikube and all that?
> (Actually, this would also 'solve' the Scala 2.12 build problem too)
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 2:45 PM Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > To be clear I'm currently +1 on this release, with much commentary.
> >
> > OK, the explanation for kubernetes tests makes sense. Yes I think we
> need to propagate the scala-2.12 build profile to make it work. Go for it,
> if you have a lead on what the change is.
> > This doesn't block the release as it's an issue for tests, and only
> affects 2.12. However if we had a clean fix for this and there were another
> RC, I'd include it.
> >
> > Dongjoon has a good point about the spark-kubernetes-integration-tests
> artifact. That doesn't sound like it should be published in this way,
> though, of course, we publish the test artifacts from every module already.
> This is only a bit odd in being a non-test artifact meant for testing. But
> it's special testing! So I also don't think that needs to block a release.
> >
> > This happens because the integration tests module is enabled with the
> 'kubernetes' profile too, and also this output is copied into the release
> tarball at kubernetes/integration-tests/tests. Do we need that in a binary
> release?
> >
> > If these integration tests are meant to be run ad hoc, manually, not
> part of a normal test cycle, then I think we can just not enable it with
> -Pkubernetes. If it is meant to run every time, then it sounds like we need
> a little extra work shown in recent PRs to make that easier, but then, this
> test code should just be the 'test' artifact parts of the kubernetes
> module, no?
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