
Thanks for leading the discussion and sending out the memo!

> Xiao suggested that there are restrictions for how tables and functions
> interact. Because of this, he doesn’t think that separate TableCatalog and
> FunctionCatalog APIs are feasible.

Anything is possible. It depends on how we design the two interfaces. Now,
most parts are unknown to me without seeing the design.

I think we need to see the user stories, and high-level design before
working on a small portion of Catalog federation. We do not need an
exhaustive design in the current stage, but we need to know how the new
proposal works. For example, how to plug in a new Hive metastore? How to
plug in a Glue? How do users implement a new external catalog without
adding any new data sources? Without knowing more details, it is hard to
say whether this TableCatalog can satisfy all the requirements.



Ryan Blue <rb...@netflix.com.invalid> 于2018年11月29日周四 下午2:32写道:

> Hi everyone,
> Here are my notes from last night’s sync. Some attendees that joined
> during discussion may be missing, since I made the list while we were
> waiting for people to join.
> If you have topic suggestions for the next sync, please start sending them
> to me. Thank you!
> *Attendees:*
> Ryan Blue
> John Zhuge
> Jamison Bennett
> Yuanjian Li
> Xiao Li
> stczwd
> Matt Cheah
> Wenchen Fan
> Genglian Wang
> Kevin Yu
> Maryann Xue
> Cody Koeninger
> Bruce Robbins
> Rohit Karlupia
> *Agenda:*
>    - Follow-up issues or discussion on Wenchen’s PR #23086
>    - TableCatalog proposal
>    - CatalogTableIdentifier
> *Notes:*
>    - Discussion about PR #23086
>       - Where should the catalog API live since it needs to be accessible
>       to catalyst rules, but the catalyst module is private?
>       - Wenchen suggested creating a sql-api module for v2 API
>       interfaces, making catalyst depend on it
>       - Consensus was to use Wenchen’s suggestion
>    - In discussion about #23086, Xiao asked how adding catalog to a table
>    identifier will work
>       - Background from Ryan: existing code paths use TableIdentifier and
>       don’t expect a catalog portion. If an identifier with a catalog were 
> passed
>       to existing code, that code may use the default catalog not knowing 
> that a
>       different one was requested, which would be incorrect behavior.
>       - Ryan: The proposal for CatalogTableIdentifier addresses this
>       problem. TableIdentifier is used for identifiers that have no catalog 
> set.
>       By enforcing that requirement, passing a TableIdentifier to old code
>       ensures that no catalogs leak into that code. This is also used when the
>       catalog is set from context. For example, the TableCatalog API accepts 
> only
>       TableIdentifier because the catalog is already determined.
>    - Xiao asked whether FunctionIdentifier needs to be updated in the
>    same way as CatalogTableIdentifier.
>       - Ryan: Yes, when a FunctionCatalog API is added
>    - The remaining time was spent discussing whether the plan to
>    incrementally replace the current catalog API will work. [Not great notes
>    here, feel free to add your take in a reply]
>       - Xiao suggested that there are restrictions for how tables and
>       functions interact. Because of this, he doesn’t think that separate
>       TableCatalog and FunctionCatalog APIs are feasible.
>       - Wenchen and Ryan think that functions should be orthogonal to
>       data sources
>       - Matt and Ryan think that catalog design can be done incrementally
>       as new interfaces (i.e. FunctionCatalog) are added and that the proposed
>       TableCatalog does not preclude designing for Xiao’s concerns later
>       - [I forget who] pointed out that there are restrictions in some
>       databases for views from different sources
>       - There was some discussion about when functions or views cannot be
>       orthogonal. For example, where the code runs is important. Functions 
> pushed
>       to sources cannot necessarily be run on other sources and Spark 
> functions
>       cannot necessarily be pushed down to sources.
>       - Xiao would like a full catalog replacement design, including
>       views, databases, and functions and how they interact, before moving
>       forward with the proposed TableCatalog API
>       - Ryan [and Matt, I think] think that TableCatalog is compatible
>       with future decisions and the best path forward is to build 
> incrementally.
>       An exhaustive design process blocks progress on v2.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 2:54 PM Ryan Blue <rb...@netflix.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I just sent out an invite for the next DSv2 community sync for Wednesday,
>> 28 Nov at 5PM PST.
>> We have a few topics left over from last time to cover. A few people
>> wanted to cover catalog APIs, so I put two items on the agenda:
>>    - The TableCatalog proposal (and other catalog APIs)
>>    - Using CatalogTableIdentifier to separate v1 and v2 code paths and
>>    avoid unintended behavior changes
>> As I noted in the summary last time, please send topics ahead of time so
>> we can get started more quickly.
>> If you would like to be added to the google hangout invite, please let me
>> know and I’ll add you. Thanks!
>> rb
>> --
>> Ryan Blue
>> Software Engineer
>> Netflix
> --
> Ryan Blue
> Software Engineer
> Netflix

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