Thanks for sending out the meeting notes from last week's discussion Ryan!
For technical unknown reasons, I could not unmute myself and be heard when I 
was trying to pitch in during one of the topic discussions regarding default 
value handling for traditional databases. Had posted response in chat. 

My 2 cents regarding traditional database handling for default values - From my 
industry experience, Oracle has a constraint clause "ENABLE NOVALIDATE" that 
enables new rows to be added going forward to be added with default value.  
Previous older rows/data are not required to be updated a default value. One 
can choose to do a data fix, at any point though.

Happy Holidays All in advance :-)

Warm Regards,
Srabasti Banerjee
    On Tuesday, 18 December, 2018, 4:15:06 PM GMT-8, Ryan Blue 
<> wrote:  
Hi everyone, sorry these notes are late. I didn’t have the time to write this 
up last week.

For anyone interested in the next sync, we decided to skip next week and resume 
in early January. I’ve already sent the invite. As usual, if you have topics 
you’d like to discuss or would like to be added to the invite list, just let me 
know. Everyone is welcome.


Ryan Blue
Xiao Li
Bruce Robbins
John Zhuge
Anton Okolnychyi
Jackey Lee
Jamison Bennett
Srabasti Banerjee
Thomas D’Silva
Wenchen Fan
Matt Cheah
Maryann Xue
(possibly others that entered after the start)

   - Current discussions from the v2 batch write PR: WriteBuilder and SaveMode
   - Continue sql-api discussion after looking at API dependencies
   - Capabilities API
   - Overview of TableCatalog proposal to sync understanding (if time)

   - WriteBuilder:      
      - Wenchen summarized the options (factory methods vs builder) and some 
      - What we need to accomplish now can be done with factory methods, which 
are simpler
      - A builder matches the structure of the read side
      - Ryan’s opinion is to use the builder for consistency and evolution. 
Builder makes it easier to change or remove parts without copying all of the 
args of a method.
      - Matt’s opinion is that evolution and maintenance is easier and good to 
match the read side
      - Consensus was to use WriteBuilder instead of factory methods

   - SaveMode:      
      - Context: v1 passes SaveMode from the DataFrameWriter API to sources. 
The action taken for some mode and existing table state depends on the source 
implementation, which is something the community wants to fix in v2. But, v2 
initially passed SaveMode to sources. The question is how and when to remove 
      - Wenchen: the current API uses SaveMode and we don’t want to drop 
      - Ryan: The main requirement is removing this before the next release. We 
should not have a substantial API change without removing it because we would 
still require an API change.
      - Xiao: suggested creating a release-blocking issue.
      - Consensus was to remove SaveMode before the next release, blocking if 
      - Someone also stated that keeping SaveMode would make porting file 
sources to v2 easier
      - Ryan disagrees that using SaveMode makes porting file sources faster or 

   - Capatbilities API (this is a quick overview of a long conversation)      
      - Context: there are several situations where a source needs to change 
how Spark behaves or Spark needs to check whether a source supports some 
feature. For example, Spark checks whether a source supports batch writes, 
write-only sources that do not need validation need to tell Spark not to run 
validation rules, and sources that can read files with missing columns (e.g., 
Iceberg) need Spark to allow writes that are missing columns if those columns 
are optional or have default values.
      - Xiao suggested handling this case by case and the conversation moved to 
discussing the motivating case for Netflix: allowing writes that do not include 
optional columns.
      - Wenchen and Maryann added that Spark should handle all default values 
so that this doesn’t differ across sources. Ryan agreed that would be good, but 
pointed out challenges.
      - There was a long discussion about how Spark could handle default 
values. The problem is that adding a column with a default creates a problem of 
reading older data. Maryann and Dilip pointed out that traditional databases 
handle default values at write time so the correct default is the default value 
at write time (instead of read time), but it is unclear how existing data is 
      - Matt and Ryan asked whether databases update existing rows when a 
default is added. But even if a database can update all existing rows, that 
would not be reasonable for Spark, which in the worst case would need to update 
millions of immutable files. This is also not a reasonable requirement to put 
on sources, so Spark would need to have read-side defaults.
      - Xiao noted that it may be easier to treat internal and external sources 
differently so internal sources to handle defaults. Ryan pointed out that this 
is the motivation for adding a capability API.
      - Consensus was to start a discuss thread on the dev list about default 
      - Discussion shifted to a different example: the need to disable 
validation for write-only tables. Consensus was that this use case is valid.
      - Wenchen: capabilities would work to disable write validation, but 
should not be string based.
      - Consensus was to use a capabilities API, but use an enum instead of 
      - Open question: what other options should use a capabilities API?

Ryan BlueSoftware EngineerNetflix  

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