That's a good question.

While I'd love to have a solution for that, I don't think it is a good idea
to delay DSv2 until we have one. That is going to require a lot of internal
changes and I don't see how we could make the release date if we are
including an InternalRow replacement.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:41 PM Matt Cheah <> wrote:

> Reynold made a note earlier about a proper Row API that isn’t InternalRow
> – is that still on the table?
> -Matt Cheah
> *From: *Ryan Blue <>
> *Reply-To: *"" <>
> *Date: *Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 4:40 PM
> *To: *Matt Cheah <>
> *Cc: *Sean Owen <>, Wenchen Fan <>,
> Xiao Li <>, Matei Zaharia <>,
> Spark Dev List <>
> *Subject: *Re: [DISCUSS] Spark 3.0 and DataSourceV2
> Thanks for bumping this, Matt. I think we can have the discussion here to
> clarify exactly what we’re committing to and then have a vote thread once
> we’re agreed.
> Getting back to the DSv2 discussion, I think we have a good handle on what
> would be added:
> ·         Plugin system for catalogs
> ·         TableCatalog interface (I’ll start a vote thread for this SPIP
> shortly)
> ·         TableCatalog implementation backed by SessionCatalog that can
> load v2 tables
> ·         Resolution rule to load v2 tables using the new catalog
> ·         CTAS logical and physical plan nodes
> ·         Conversions from SQL parsed logical plans to v2 logical plans
> Initially, this will always use the v2 catalog backed by SessionCatalog to
> avoid dependence on the multi-catalog work. All of those are already
> implemented and working, so I think it is reasonable that we can get them
> in.
> Then we can consider a few stretch goals:
> ·         Get in as much DDL as we can. I think create and drop table
> should be easy.
> ·         Multi-catalog identifier parsing and multi-catalog support
> If we get those last two in, it would be great. We can make the call
> closer to release time. Does anyone want to change this set of work?
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:23 PM Matt Cheah <> wrote:
> What would then be the next steps we'd take to collectively decide on
> plans and timelines moving forward? Might I suggest scheduling a conference
> call with appropriate PMCs to put our ideas together? Maybe such a
> discussion can take place at next week's meeting? Or do we need to have a
> separate formalized voting thread which is guided by a PMC?
> My suggestion is to try to make concrete steps forward and to avoid
> letting this slip through the cracks.
> I also think there would be merits to having a project plan and estimates
> around how long each of the features we want to complete is going to take
> to implement and review.
> -Matt Cheah
> On 2/24/19, 3:05 PM, "Sean Owen" <> wrote:
>     Sure, I don't read anyone making these statements though? Let's assume
>     good intent, that "foo should happen" as "my opinion as a member of
>     the community, which is not solely up to me, is that foo should
>     happen". I understand it's possible for a person to make their opinion
>     over-weighted; this whole style of decision making assumes good actors
>     and doesn't optimize against bad ones. Not that it can't happen, just
>     not seeing it here.
>     I have never seen any vote on a feature list, by a PMC or otherwise.
>     We can do that if really needed I guess. But that also isn't the
>     authoritative process in play here, in contrast.
>     If there's not a more specific subtext or issue here, which is fine to
>     say (on private@ if it's sensitive or something), yes, let's move on
>     in good faith.
>     On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 3:45 PM Mark Hamstra <>
> wrote:
>     > There is nothing wrong with individuals advocating for what they
> think should or should not be in Spark 3.0, nor should anyone shy away from
> explaining why they think delaying the release for some reason is or isn't
> a good idea. What is a problem, or is at least something that I have a
> problem with, are declarative, pseudo-authoritative statements that 3.0 (or
> some other release) will or won't contain some feature, API, etc. or that
> some issue is or is not blocker or worth delaying for. When the PMC has not
> voted on such issues, I'm often left thinking, "Wait... what? Who decided
> that, or where did that decision come from?"
> --
> Ryan Blue
> Software Engineer
> Netflix

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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