Just my 2c

If there is a known security issue, we should fix it rather waiting for if it 
actually could be might be affecting Spark to be found by a black hat, or worse.

I don’t think any of us want to see Spark in the news for this reason.
From: Sean Owen <sro...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 1:52:53 PM
To: Reynold Xin
Cc: Jungtaek Lim; Dongjoon Hyun; Wenchen Fan; Michael Heuer; Terry Kim; dev; 
Xiao Li
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Spark 2.4.2

FWIW I'm OK with this even though I proposed the backport PR for discussion. It 
really is a tough call, balancing the potential but as-yet unclear security 
benefit vs minor but real Jackson deserialization behavior change.

Because we have a pressing need for a 2.4.3 release (really a almost) I 
think it's reasonable to defer a final call on this in 2.4.x and revert for 
now. Leaving it in 2.4.3 makes it quite permanent.

A little more color on the discussion:
- I don't think https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/22071 mitigates the 
theoretical problem here; I would guess the attack vector is deserializing a 
malicious JSON file. This is unproven either way
- The behavior change we know is basically what you see in the revert PR: 
entries like "'foo': null" aren't written by Jackson by default in 2.7+. You 
can make them so but it needs a code tweak in any app that inherits Spark's 
- This is not related to Scala version

This is for a discussion about re-including in 2.4.4:
- Does anyone know that the Jackson issues really _could_ affect Spark
- Does anyone have concrete examples of why the behavior change is a bigger 
deal, or not as big a deal, as anticipated?

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 1:34 AM Reynold Xin 
<r...@databricks.com<mailto:r...@databricks.com>> wrote:

Echoing both of you ... it's a bit risky to bump dependency versions in a patch 
release, especially for a super common library. (I wish we shaded Jackson).

Maybe the CVE is a sufficient reason to bump the dependency, ignoring the 
potential behavior changes that might happen, but I'd like to see a bit more 
discussions there and have 2.4.3 focusing on fixing the Scala version issue 

On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 11:17 PM, Jungtaek Lim 
<kabh...@gmail.com<mailto:kabh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Ah! Sorry Xiao I should check the fix version of issue (it's 2.4.3/3.0.0).

Then looks much better to revert and avoid dependency conflict in bugfix 
release. Jackson is one of known things making non-backward changes to 
non-major version, so I agree it's the thing to be careful, or shade/relocate 
and forget about it.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 3:04 PM Xiao Li 
<lix...@databricks.com<mailto:lix...@databricks.com>> wrote:

Thanks for your inputs! Sorry for the confusion. Let me make it clear.

  *   All the previous 2.4.x [including 2.4.2] releases are using Jackson
  *   In the master branch, the Jackson is already upgraded to 2.9.8.
  *   Here, I just try to revert Jackson upgrade in the upcoming 2.4.3 release.



On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 10:53 PM Jungtaek Lim 
<kabh...@gmail.com<mailto:kabh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Just to be clear, does upgrading jackson to 2.9.8 be coupled with Scala 
version? And could you summarize one of actual broken case due to upgrade if 
you observe anything? Providing actual case would help us to weigh the impact.

Btw, my 2 cents, personally I would rather avoid upgrading dependencies in 
bugfix release unless it resolves major bugs, so reverting it from only 
branch-2.4 sounds good to me. (I still think jackson upgrade is necessary in 
master branch, avoiding lots of CVEs we will waste huge amount of time to 
identify the impact. And other libs will start making couple with jackson 2.9.x 
which conflict Spark's jackson dependency.)

If there will be a consensus regarding reverting that, we may also need to 
announce Spark 2.4.2 is discouraged to be used, otherwise end users will suffer 
from jackson version back and forth.

Jungtaek Lim (HeartSaVioR)

On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 2:30 PM Xiao Li 
<lix...@databricks.com<mailto:lix...@databricks.com>> wrote:
Before cutting 2.4.3, I just submitted a PR 
https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/24493 for reverting the commit 

In general, we need to be very cautious about the Jackson upgrade in the patch 
releases, especially when this upgrade could break the existing behaviors of 
the external packages or data sources, and generate different results after the 
upgrade. The external packages and data sources need to change their source 
code to keep the original behaviors. The upgrade requires more discussions 
before releasing it, I think.

In the previous PR https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/22071, we turned off 
`spark.master.rest.enabled<http://spark.master.rest.enabled/>` by default and 
added the following claim in our security doc:
The Rest Submission Server and the MesosClusterDispatcher do not support 
authentication.  You should ensure that all network access to the REST API & 
MesosClusterDispatcher (port 6066 and 7077 respectively by default) are 
restricted to hosts that are trusted to submit jobs.

We need to understand whether this Jackson CVE applies to Spark. Before 
officially releasing the Jackson upgrade, we need more inputs from all of you. 
Currently, I would suggest to revert this upgrade from the upcoming 2.4.3 
release, which is for fixing the accidental default Scala version changes in 
pre-built artifacts.


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