Hey folks,

Traditionally GIS functionality is distributed a bit separately - i.e.
PostGIS is a great example; and indeed for GIS needs Sedona / GeoMesa /
GeoWave may work out; I think GeoMesa implements GeoHash (see
could be used as an inspiration at least);

I'm pretty sure DataBricks provides some GIS functions (H3) at this point.
Could be an argument for having smth in the core / officially supported by
Spark community?

I'd really love to see some relatively lightweight (JTS + Proj4j / SIS)
library with basic expressions and optimization rules in the wild that is
usable in the Spark native interfaces primarily; so there is no need to
figure out the API / way to set it up and / or resolve peculiar
dependencies. Could be a step towards Spark GIS types standardization.



On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 6:21 PM Mo Sarwat <mosar...@apache.org> wrote:

> Martin, thanks for chiming in and mentioning Apache SIS. However, Mark was
> asking about Geo in Spark, which Sedona already supports.
> Yet, I like the idea of making all dependencies within the Apache family.
> I believe a good solution would be for you (or the SIS community at large)
> to include Apache SIS in Sedona to replace libs like GeoTools. The Sedona
> community would definitely welcome your contribution :)
> Regards,
> -Mo
> On 2023/01/16 22:24:14 Martin Desruisseaux wrote:
> > Hello Mark
> >
> > Indeed Sedona is surely a serious candidate. Maybe one aspect to take in
> consideration, depending how "core" the geospatial services would be, is
> that Sedona depends on a LGPL library (GeoTools, bundled separately) for
> map projections, Shapefile and GeoTIFF support. So those features could not
> be in core since category X dependencies shall be optional.
> >
> > Regarding referencing by coordinates (including map projections), I'm
> aware of 3 libraries having a license compatible with Apache:
> >
> > * Apache SIS (Apache License)
> > * PROJ4J (Apache license)
> > * PROJ-JNI (MIT license)
> >
> > PROJ-JNI is a binding to PROJ native library using Java Native Interface
> (JNI). PROJ is the most well known map projection library, but it is
> difficult to bundle native code in a Java application.
> >
> > I'm not in a neutral position to said that, but I believe that Apache
> SIS is the most powerful open source pure-Java referencing library. But it
> is relatively big, about 4 Mb for the referencing module with its
> dependencies, not counting the optional EPSG geodetic dataset (because not
> compatible with Apache license). Apache SIS is not the library with the
> largest amount of map projections (PROJ4J has more), but it handles some
> difficult problems and scale well with three- or four-dimensional data (or
> more).
> >
> > PROJ4J is a lightweight library which may be sufficient if data are
> mostly two-dimensional (limited 3D support seems also possible) and if
> uncertainty of a few metres in coordinate transformations (depending how
> datum shifts are specified) is acceptable.
> >
> > It is possible to write some code in an implementation-independent way
> using GeoAPI interfaces, which aim to do what JDBC interfaces do for
> databases. Apache SIS and PROJ-JNI are implementations of GeoAPI
> interfaces, so by using those interfaces you can let users choose among
> those two implementations. I think that GeoAPI wrappers could easily be
> contributed to PROJ4J as well if there is a desire for that.
> >
> > Regarding Geohash, if we are talking about the algorithm described at
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geohash, then SIS already supports it. SIS
> supports also the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS), which can be seen
> as another kind of geohash with better characteristics.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >     Martin
> >
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