Thanks Xinrong and Jack. I will take a look, also I find is what I want. Thanks a lot.

Xinrong Meng <> 于2023年8月25日周五 04:30写道:

> Hi Jia,
> Consider reviewing GitHub Action variables like
> $GITHUB_REPOSITORY. Detailed information can be found
> Additionally, you might find the code segment 
> to be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Xinrong Meng
> On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 11:52 AM Jack Wells <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Jia,
>> Github Action workflows are stored in the .github/workflows directory off
>> the base of the git repo. Here’s a link:
>> Does this
>> help?
>> Jack
>> On Aug 24, 2023 at 04:54:31, Jia Fan <> wrote:
>>> Hi, folks
>>>   I'm a PMC member of Apache SeaTunnel. Recently, I’m optimizing the
>>> github action process on SeaTunnel. The main purpose is to be like Spark,
>>> when a developer submits a PR, it can automatically run github action on
>>> the fork repository instead of the main repository. In this way, all
>>> developers can control the github action opening and retrying of their own
>>> PRs. I checked Spark's github action configuration and found nothing
>>> special, is there any key point that I haven't noticed? I'd be very
>>> grateful if anyone could help.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jia Fan

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