Oh interesting solution, a co-worker was suggesting something similar using
resource profiles to increase memory -- but your approach avoids a lot of
complexity I like it (and we could extend it out to support resource
profile growth too).

I think an SPIP sounds like a great next step.

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 10:46 PM kalyan <justfors...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> At Uber, we had recently, done some work on improving the reliability of
> spark applications in scenarios of fatter executors going out of memory and
> leading to application failure. Fatter executors are those that have more
> than 1 task running on it at a given time concurrently. This has
> significantly improved the reliability of many spark applications for us at
> Uber. We made a blog about this recently. Link:
> https://www.uber.com/en-US/blog/dynamic-executor-core-resizing-in-spark/
> At a high level, we have done the below changes:
>    1. When a Task fails with the OOM of an executor, we update the core
>    requirements of the task to max executor cores.
>    2. When the task is picked for rescheduling, the new attempt of the
>    task happens to be on an executor where no other task can run concurrently.
>    All cores get allocated to this task itself.
>    3. This way we ensure that the configured memory is completely at the
>    disposal of a single task. Thus eliminating contention of memory.
> The best part of this solution is that it's reactive. It kicks in only
> when the executors fail with the OOM exception.
> We understand that the problem statement is very common and we expect our
> solution to be effective in many cases.
> There could be more cases that can be covered. Executor failing with OOM
> is like a hard signal. The framework(making the driver aware of
> what's happening with the executor) can be extended to handle scenarios of
> other forms of memory pressure like excessive spilling to disk, etc.
> While we had developed this on Spark 2.4.3 in-house, we would like to
> collaborate and contribute this work to the latest versions of Spark.
> What is the best way forward here? Will an SPIP proposal to detail the
> changes help?
> Regards,
> Kalyan.
> Uber India.

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