It is interesting. I think there are definitely some discussion points around 
this.  reliability vs performance is always a trade off and its great it 
doesn't fail but if it doesn't meet someone's SLA now that could be as bad if 
its hard to figure out why.   I think if something like this kicks in, it needs 
to be very obvious to the user so they can see that it occurred.  Do you have 
something in place on UI or something that indicates this? The nice thing is 
also you aren't wasting memory by increasing it for all tasks when maybe you 
only need it for one or two.  The downside is you are only finding out after 
I do also worry a little bit that in your blog post, the error you pointed out 
isn't a java OOM but an off heap memory issue (overhead + heap usage).  You 
don't really address heap memory vs off heap in that article.  Only thing I see 
mentioned is spark.executor.memory which is heap memory.  Obviously adjusting 
to only run one task is going to give that task more overall memory but the 
reasons its running out in the first place could be different.  If it was on 
heap memory for instance with more tasks I would expect to see more GC and not 
executor OOM.  If you are getting executor OOM you are likely using more off 
heap memory/stack space, etc then you allocated.   Ultimately it would be nice 
to know why that is happening and see if we can address it to not fail in the 
first place.  That could be extremely difficult though, especially if using 
software outside Spark that is using that memory.
As Holden said,  we need to make sure this would play nice with the resource 
profiles, or potentially if we can use the resource profile functionality.  
Theoretically you could extend this to try to get new executor if using dynamic 
allocation for instance.  

I agree doing a SPIP would be a good place to start to have more discussions.
    On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 12:47:51 AM CST, kalyan 
<> wrote:  
 Hello All,
At Uber, we had recently, done some work on improving the reliability of spark 
applications in scenarios of fatter executors going out of memory and leading 
to application failure. Fatter executors are those that have more than 1 task 
running on it at a given time concurrently. This has significantly improved the 
reliability of many spark applications for us at Uber. We made a blog about 
this recently. Link:
At a high level, we have done the below changes:   
   - When a Task fails with the OOM of an executor, we update the core 
requirements of the task to max executor cores. 
   - When the task is picked for rescheduling, the new attempt of the task 
happens to be on an executor where no other task can run concurrently. All 
cores get allocated to this task itself.
   - This way we ensure that the configured memory is completely at the 
disposal of a single task. Thus eliminating contention of memory.
The best part of this solution is that it's reactive. It kicks in only when the 
executors fail with the OOM exception.
We understand that the problem statement is very common and we expect our 
solution to be effective in many cases. There could be more cases that can be 
covered. Executor failing with OOM is like a hard signal. The framework(making 
the driver aware of what's happening with the executor) can be extended to 
handle scenarios of other forms of memory pressure like excessive spilling to 
disk, etc. 
While we had developed this on Spark 2.4.3 in-house, we would like to 
collaborate and contribute this work to the latest versions of Spark.
What is the best way forward here? Will an SPIP proposal to detail the changes 
Regards,Kalyan.Uber India.  

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