Hi all ,

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> - clerezza.rdf graudates as commons.rdf: a modular java/scala
> implementation of rdf related APIs, usable with and without OSGi

For me this immediately raises the question: Why should the Clerezza
API become commons.rdf if 90+% (just a guess) of the Java RDF stuff is
based on Jena and Sesame? Creating an Apache commons project based on
an RDF API that is only used by a very low percentage of all Java RDF
applications is not feasible. Generally I see not much room for a
commons RDF project as long as there is not a commonly agreed RDF API
for Java.

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Fabian Christ
<christ.fab...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Having the clerezza platform in Stanbol and thinking in the long term about
> merging and using this stuff is a good choice. This can not be done with
> some simple imports and we should carefully evaluate what will be the right
> way to go in Stanbol.

I would still suggest to do this within an own branch as this makes it
easier to commit/review unfinished stuff. In addition we will need a
branch for making a vote (I guess both for Clerezza and Stanbol) on
the proposed changes.

The following list tries to sum-up discussed points (please refine/complete)

* apache.commons.web:
    + Jersey -> Apache Wink
    + replace Viewable with LDViewable
    + Stanbol Web UI should become optional
    * add type based Rendering (at a later time)
* apache.commons.security:
    + move security from Clerezza to Stanbol
    + based on Servlet filter
* Scala: no change needed
    * TODO: observe the PermGen space issue
* Shell: no change needed
* Development Tools
    * add Bundle-Dev-Tools to shell
    * add Maven Archetype support to Stanbol
* Clerezza RDF framework:
    ? Is community strong enough to manage its own RDF framework
    ? Where to manage the code
    + SPARQL 1.1 via fast lane (direct access to the native SPARQL
    + Update to the newest Jena versions
    + Merge Indexed in-memory TripleCollections to clerezza
    + finish and release the SingleTdbDatasetTcProvider
    + add support for JSON-LD parsing/serializing
? Clerezza Platform: Can someone make a list what else is present in Clerezza


| Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
| Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
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