On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:22 AM, Rupert Westenthaler <
rupert.westentha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all ,
> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 4:47 PM, Reto Bachmann-Gmür <r...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > - clerezza.rdf graudates as commons.rdf: a modular java/scala
> > implementation of rdf related APIs, usable with and without OSGi
> For me this immediately raises the question: Why should the Clerezza
> API become commons.rdf if 90+% (just a guess) of the Java RDF stuff is
> based on Jena and Sesame? Creating an Apache commons project based on
> an RDF API that is only used by a very low percentage of all Java RDF
> applications is not feasible. Generally I see not much room for a
> commons RDF project as long as there is not a commonly agreed RDF API
> for Java.

The Sesame and the Jena API are API for building application on top of
tripestores. In Clerezza we wanted to be independent of the triple-store
and also be able to expose other data-sources as RDF (this can also be done
with the other api's but requires more memory and typically more code). We
evaluated rdf2go but dismissed it for various reasons so we decided to
introduce an API that's as closed as possible to the relevant standards.
The standards evolve and new standard emerge (e.g. the W3C RDF API spec
draft or SPARQL 1.1) for this and for the experience by users using it the
libraries should evolve. I think that an apache commons project is a more
flexible approach than JCP.


> On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Fabian Christ
> <christ.fab...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Having the clerezza platform in Stanbol and thinking in the long term
> about
> > merging and using this stuff is a good choice. This can not be done with
> > some simple imports and we should carefully evaluate what will be the
> right
> > way to go in Stanbol.
> I would still suggest to do this within an own branch as this makes it
> easier to commit/review unfinished stuff. In addition we will need a
> branch for making a vote (I guess both for Clerezza and Stanbol) on
> the proposed changes.
> The following list tries to sum-up discussed points (please
> refine/complete)
> * apache.commons.web:
>     + Jersey -> Apache Wink
>     + replace Viewable with LDViewable
>     + Stanbol Web UI should become optional
>     * add type based Rendering (at a later time)
> * apache.commons.security:
>     + move security from Clerezza to Stanbol
>     + based on Servlet filter
> * Scala: no change needed
>     * TODO: observe the PermGen space issue
> * Shell: no change needed
> * Development Tools
>     * add Bundle-Dev-Tools to shell
>     * add Maven Archetype support to Stanbol
> * Clerezza RDF framework:
>     ? Is community strong enough to manage its own RDF framework
>     ? Where to manage the code
>     + SPARQL 1.1 via fast lane (direct access to the native SPARQL
> implementations)
>     + Update to the newest Jena versions
>     + Merge Indexed in-memory TripleCollections to clerezza
>     + finish and release the SingleTdbDatasetTcProvider
>     + add support for JSON-LD parsing/serializing
> ? Clerezza Platform: Can someone make a list what else is present in
> Clerezza
> best
> Rupert
> --
> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                             ++43-699-11108907
> | A-5500 Bischofshofen

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