On 03/07/13 06:50, Sawhney, Tarandeep Singh wrote:
Thanks Sergio for your response

Your are welcome. But, please, keep the mailing list in the thread.

We are beginners in stanbol with fair understanding of semantic web, so
please bear with our not so good questions

Can you please provide your help in understanding what use cases we can
achieve with SKOS (we will use it within stanbol)

SKOS is the W3C technology for representing of thesauri, classification schemes, taxonomies, subject-heading systems, or any other type of structured controlled vocabulary.

The SKOS primer would be a good document to get a better understanding:


I am trying to understand how SKOS (within stanbol) can be used to deliver
business value to content heavy industries like digital publishing/CMS

The high level workflow is easy: you build your custom vocabulary using SKOS, and then, with the guide I linked in the previous email, you can use Stanbol EntityHub to extract your entities from content. Although behind this simple idea you'd actually need to get familiar with some new technologies, and will take some time.

The business value has been somehow evaluated by the IKS Early Adopters programme:


where I'm pretty sure you'll see many uses cases similar than yours.


Sergio Fernández
Salzburg Research
+43 662 2288 318
Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
A-5020 Salzburg (Austria)

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