Hi Habib, Rupert

I would like to do another clarification. You should be using language
annotations for the fields that you are planning to map to rdfs:label.
Actually, I recently fix a bug that was preventing language annotated
fields (xml:lang) to be correctly indexed in Solr while using Managed
sites. I tried first to configure an Entity Linking engine for not using
any language while looking up for entities and it wasn't working. That is
probably another bug to solve. Therefore, basically, at this moment, if you
want to recognize entities from a Managed Site a language is mandatory.

This also implies that Entity Linking against Managed Sites is broken for
version 1.0.0 and it is only working if you checkout the current trunk


On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 12:54 PM Rupert Westenthaler <
rupert.westentha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Habib
> In addition to my response to your other mail some minutes ago ...
> When configuring the YardSite make sure you configure the current
> FieldMappings for your Ontology
> Given the example
> <http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/smpl#1CGI>
>   rdf:type smpl:ATR ;
>   smpl:acronym "CGI" ;
>   smpl:comment "Digital Services and Secure Connectivity for
> Governments and key Industrial Sectors and Infrastructure, incl.
> Security Solutions" ;
>   smpl:level "1" ;
>   smpl:refinedBy <http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/smpl#2CYS> ;
>   smpl:refinedBy <http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/smpl#2INT> ;
>   smpl:title "Secure Connectivity for Government and Industries" ;
> .
> you will need the mappings
> http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/smpl#title > rdfs:label
> http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/smpl#acronym > rdfs:label
> to ensure that values of those fields are mapped to the rdfs:label -
> the field used by default for EntityLinking.
> Without those mappings linking will not work unless you configure the
> engine to link against http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/smpl#title
> Hope this helps
> best
> Rupert
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 2:56 PM, Habibrahman A <habibrahma...@tcs.com>
> wrote:
> > Thank you very much, Rafa, for the response.
> >
> > It is going to be a dynamic one, hence we need to use the Managed site i
> > believe. Kindly correct me if am wrong.
> >
> > I'm attaching (in google drive) the sample ontology that we are using.
> > Also the screen shots of the configuration we made. It would be great if
> > you could review and let us know where we are missing.
> >
> > Also, if you can point to some documents/books to understand the labels,
> > would be great. I've gone through the link that talks about the
> > EntityLinking but couldn't get clarity on the labels part because of my
> > limited knowledge.
> >
> >
> > https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxAMBxFN_NcgOVB1SFlUTTlOZ2M
> >
> >
> > Thanks & Regards
> > Habib
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From:   Rafa Haro <rh...@apache.org>
> > To:     dev@stanbol.apache.org
> > Date:   03/17/2017 06:04 PM
> > Subject:        Re: Using Custom Vocabularies
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi Habib,
> >
> > What you are doing is ok but with some exceptions. First of all, if your
> > domain ontology is not something dynamic (you are not planning to change
> > it
> > very often) you might prefer to use a Referenced Site instead of Managed
> > Site which is more suitable for dynamic uses cases. Basically, you would
> > need to use the EntityHub genericrdf indexer tool as explained here:
> > https://stanbol.apache.org/docs/trunk/customvocabulary.html (Using a
> > Referenced Site section).
> >
> > By configuring the indexing part, the most important part is to properly
> > model the fields mappings, specially those fields that must be considered
> > as labels as you main use case is to Enhance content with that domain
> > ontology. Regarding this, I can't see any good candidate for labels in
> the
> > piece of ontology that you posted. Take into account that the Entity
> > Linker
> > has been designed for linking mostly concepts names (labels) and not
> whole
> > sentences like "Digital Product Design and Factory". That doesn't sound
> as
> > a label for me, but you can try anyway.
> >
> > Hope that helps,
> > Rafa
> >
> > On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:23 PM Habibrahman A <habibrahma...@tcs.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Dear Team,
> >>
> >> We're using Stanbol for semantic search in one of our projects about
> >> Knowledge Management.
> >>
> >> We need to use the domain specific ontology provided to us.
> >>
> >> Below are the steps we did.
> >>
> >> 1. Created a new SolrYard
> >> 2. Create a new Site (Managed Site) and linked the yard
> >> 3. Using 'curl' command, loaded the ontology to the site
> >>         curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:text/turtle" -T {ATRA.ttl} "
> >> http://localhost:8080/entityhub/site/customSite/entity";
> >> 4. Created a EntityHub Linking and referred the site created in step 2
> >> 5. Created a custom Enhancement Chain and added the EntityHub Linking
> >> created in step 4.
> >>
> >> When we run search (with sentences from the ontology), we couldn't see
> > the
> >> entities defined being identified, but the results are different from
> > when
> >> default chain is run. So we think something is happening, but not sure
> >> what and how.
> >>
> >> For eg.,
> >> The below is part of the ontology
> >> ##################################
> >> <http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/ATRb#1PDP>
> >>   rdf:type ATRb:ATR ;
> >>   ATRb:acronym "PDP" ;
> >>   ATRb:comment "Digital Product Development Process and fully integrated
> >> Digitized Production and Supply Chain (> 2x Acceleration)" ;
> >>   ATRb:level "1" ;
> >>   ATRb:refinedBy <http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/ATRb#2FAL> ;
> >>   ATRb:refinedBy <http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/ATRb#2LTA> ;
> >>   ATRb:refinedBy <http://www.sample-xo.com/KM/ATRb#2STA> ;
> >>   ATRb:title "Digital Product Design and Factory" ;
> >> #############################################
> >>   when we search for 'Digital Product design and factory', we do not see
> >> anything in the list of entities identified. The enhancement chain just
> >> identifies the language.
> >>
> >> Our enhancemen chain contains the below engines
> >>
> >> tika;optional
> >> langdetect
> >> opennlp-sentence
> >> opennlp-token
> >> opennlp-pos
> >> opennlp-chunker
> >> sampleEntityLinking
> >> dbpedia-disamb-linking
> >> disambiguation-mlt
> >> dbpedia-dereference
> >>
> >>
> >> We would like to know, if what we are doing is correct ? Also, why we
> > are
> >> not seeing the entities from the ontology that is loaded.
> >>
> >> Also, we were told that we need to create a pipeline to actually have
> > the
> >> semantic search implemented.
> >>
> >> Pipeline steps being,
> >> 1. Load input documents to an external Solr
> >> 2. Configure the Managed site, enhancement engine and the chain
> >> 3. Hit Enhancement chain with the search text
> >> 4. Parse the output and extract the entities identified
> >> 5. Hit Solr, which has the input documents indexed, with the identified
> >> entities.
> >>
> >> Is this correct understanding.
> >>
> >> We're very new to Stanbol and search technologies as such.
> >>
> >> Your help is much appreciated.
> >>
> >> Thanks & Regards,
> >> Habib
> >> Thanks & Regards
> >> Habib Rahman
> >> Manufacturing TEG - Java CoE
> >> Tata Consultancy Services
> >> Ph:- +91446616 9247
> >> Cell:- 9094765645 <(909)%20476-5645> <(909)%20476-5645>
> >> Mailto: habibrahma...@tcs.com
> >> Website: http://www.tcs.com
> >> ____________________________________________
> >> Experience certainty.   IT Services
> >>                         Business Solutions
> >>                         Consulting
> >> ____________________________________________
> >> =====-----=====-----=====
> >> Notice: The information contained in this e-mail
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> >> information contained in this e-mail message
> >> and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If
> >> you have received this communication in error,
> >> please notify us by reply e-mail or telephone and
> >> immediately and permanently delete the message
> >> and any attachments. Thank you
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
> | Rupert Westenthaler             rupert.westentha...@gmail.com
> | Bodenlehenstraße 11                              ++43-699-11108907
> <+43%20699%2011108907>
> | A-5500 Bischofshofen
> ..........................................................................
> | http://redlink.co/

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