Hi all,

I am interested in participating in GSOC 2018 and been looking at the issue
and playing a bit with Stanbol. I am a student from the University of
Cuenca. I have been working with Semantic technologies and currently in my
third year of college.

Well just a quick overview of what I understand, please correct me if I am
wrong. The idea will be to exchange the actual Sparql Endpoint for Squebi.
Then when you go to /sparql, you'll have Squebi functionalities, right?

I see you use Fremaker to build the website, OSGI to load modules. The
actual Sparql Endpoint is loading in bundle/list.xml (
org.apache.stanbol.commons.web.sparql), but when is this file loaded? Where
is the module that manages the Sparql Services? I mean, the WS to make
updates and select queries.


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