On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 8:58 AM, "C. Bergström"
<cbergst...@pathscale.com> wrote:

> He has quite a number of patches and forget where those are kept.  I'm
> guessing a lot of his fixes target KDE/Qt apps and the Perennial C++VS
> testsuite.
> http://www.peren.com/pages/cppvs_set.htm

Correction: my patches aren't related to Qt/KDE at all at this point -
they are related to Solaris. Apache stdcxx is part of Solaris Core.

So the "authoritative" patchset for Solaris/stdcxx is the one
publisehd by Oracle, since it is kept up-to-date and it represents an
officially released and supported version of stdcxx.


Stefan Teleman
KDE e.V.

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