On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 3:41 PM, "C. Bergström" <cbergst...@pathscale.com>wrote:

> On 05/29/13 08:27 PM, Stefan Teleman wrote:
>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 7:33 AM, "C. Bergström"
>> <cbergst...@pathscale.com>  wrote:
>>> On 05/29/13 06:29 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>>>> I am stepping down as Chair of the C++ StdLib PMC.
>>>> So the question is: Does this project and community
>>>> elect a new Chair, or does it enter the Attic?
>>> I'd be willing to chair if others are supportive
>> OK, so before I give you a +1, could you please outline what is your
>> Plan(TM) regarding resurrecting this project?
>> How are you going to do it, and, more specifically, what are you going to
>> do?
> Off the cuff reply and I'll give this more thought and planning if others
> are supportive
> 1) I think the most important thing is grow the community
>     a. Let people know how important and STL is
>     b. Advocate for wider adoption/testing (See if we can get prebuilt
> packages and clear instructions for how people can use/test STDCXX)
> 2) Evaluate and get feedback from you and others about how we can improve
> the project (Communication, code review, growth opportunities.. etc)
> 3) From my $JOB I can advocate to help with code review, QA and ensuring
> good contributions like what you've done before actually get committed
> --------------
> One thing I don't yet have a clear idea how to accomplish is C++11
> support. A C++03 STL is far from dead, but we need a 2-4 year plan to
> catch-up with others.
> My guiding principle is :
> Use, love and contribute back
> We need to increase our userbase 1st to start this cycle

although I follow this list for a few years, it's actually my first post. I
agree community would be on top, so let's say one would like to contribute
to the project... What would be the greatest motivating factor? I mean:
This project has been relatively quiet; There's now libc++, which can
probably better attract developers (specially given its connection with
clang) - as fair as I know Window/Linux are not complete yet; I guess
STLport is also missing C++11, but I'd assume it's more widely spread than
the STDCXX and with more derivations, then more potential as well.

>From a more practical side, regarding popularity and consequently an active
community: How much people (and who) are using STDCXX (I couldn't find this
on the page, sorry if it's there somewhere) and in which areas can the
STDCXX be awesome and differentiate from the others. Portability, i18n...


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