On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Martin Sebor <mse...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/29/2013 07:27 AM, Stefan Teleman wrote:
>> On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 7:33 AM, "C. Bergström"
>> <cbergst...@pathscale.com> wrote:
>>> On 05/29/13 06:29 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
>>>> I am stepping down as Chair of the C++ StdLib PMC.
>>>> So the question is: Does this project and community
>>>> elect a new Chair, or does it enter the Attic?
>>> I'd be willing to chair if others are supportive
>> OK, so before I give you a +1, could you please outline what is your
>> Plan(TM) regarding resurrecting this project?
>> How are you going to do it, and, more specifically, what are you going to
>> do?
> FYI: A chair doesn't necessarily need to have a plan to do anything
> other than fulfill the duties assigned to them by the ASF:
>   http://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html#chair
> It's mostly a bureaucratic role, and can be a big time sink (reading
> all the mailing lists, like board and members can be especially time
> consuming). Other than that, being a chair doesn't give one the power
> or ability to assure the success of a project than the rest of us.
> But to be chair, one needs to be a member of the foundation. It's
> usually a non-trivial process for one to become a member. Some of
> the prerequisites include long time contribution to at least one
> project, the sponsorship and nomination by another member, and
> a vote to accept the new member of the rest of the membership.
> I think the vote happens just a few times a year, and the last
> one was just last week.
> Maybe there's a way around this bureaucracy if the alternative
> is shutting the project down.

My question was purely pragmatic. If we are to try reviving the
project (again) and elect another chair (again) I'd like to know that
it won't be yet another dead-end exercise.

I also think Leandro asked a very pertinent set of questions in his
earlier post.


Stefan Teleman
KDE e.V.

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