Github user d2r commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: storm-core/src/clj/org/apache/storm/pacemaker/pacemaker.clj ---
    @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
    +;; Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
    +;; or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
    +;; distributed with this work for additional information
    +;; regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
    +;; to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
    +;; "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
    +;; with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    +;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    +;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    +;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    +;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    +;; limitations under the License.
    +(ns org.apache.storm.pacemaker.pacemaker
    +  (:import [org.apache.storm.pacemaker PacemakerServer 
    +           [java.util.concurrent ConcurrentHashMap ThreadPoolExecutor 
TimeUnit LinkedBlockingDeque]
    +           [java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicInteger]
    +           [java.util Date]
    +           [backtype.storm.generated
    +            HBAuthorizationException HBExecutionException HBNodes HBRecords
    +            HBServerMessageType HBMessage HBMessageData HBPulse])
    +  (:use [clojure.string :only [replace-first split]]
    +        [backtype.storm log config util])
    +  (:require [ :as jmx])
    +  (:gen-class))
    +;; Stats Functions
    +(def sleep-seconds 60)
    +(defn- check-and-set-loop [stats key new & {:keys [compare new-fn]
    +                                            :or {compare (fn [new old] 
    +                                                 new-fn (fn [new old] 
    +  (loop []
    +    (let [old (.get (key stats))
    +          new (new-fn new old)]
    +      (if (compare new old)
    +        (if (.compareAndSet (key stats) old new)
    +          nil
    +          (recur))
    +        nil))))
    +(defn- set-average [stats size]
    +  (check-and-set-loop
    +   stats
    +   :average-heartbeat-size
    +   size
    +   :new-fn (fn [new old]
    +            (let [count (.get (:send-pulse-count stats))]
    +                                        ; Weighted average
    +              (/ (+ new (* count old)) (+ count 1))))))
    +(defn- set-largest [stats size]
    +  (check-and-set-loop
    +   stats
    +   :largest-heartbeat-size
    +   size
    +   :compare #'>))
    +(defn- report-stats [heartbeats stats last-five-s]
    +  (loop []
    +      (let [send-count (.getAndSet (:send-pulse-count stats) 0)
    +            received-size (.getAndSet (:total-received-size stats) 0)
    +            get-count (.getAndSet (:get-pulse-count stats) 0)
    +            sent-size (.getAndSet (:total-sent-size stats) 0)
    +            largest (.getAndSet (:largest-heartbeat-size stats) 0)
    +            average (.getAndSet (:average-heartbeat-size stats) 0)
    +            total-keys (.size heartbeats)]
    +        (log-debug "\nReceived " send-count " heartbeats totaling " 
received-size " bytes,\n"
    +                   "Sent " get-count " heartbeats totaling " sent-size " 
    +                   "The largest heartbeat was " largest " bytes,\n"
    +                   "The average heartbeat was " average " bytes,\n"
    +                   "Pacemaker contained " total-keys " total keys\n"
    +                   "in the last " sleep-seconds " second(s)")
    +        (dosync (ref-set last-five-s
    +                         {:send-pulse-count send-count
    +                          :total-received-size received-size
    +                          :get-pulse-count get-count
    +                          :total-sent-size sent-size
    +                          :largest-heartbeat-size largest
    +                          :average-heartbeat-size average
    +                          :total-keys total-keys})))
    +      (Thread/sleep (* 1000 sleep-seconds))
    +      (recur)))
    +;; JMX stuff
    +(defn register [last-five-s]
    +  (jmx/register-mbean
    +   (jmx/create-bean
    +    last-five-s)
    +   "org.apache.storm.pacemaker.pacemaker:stats=Stats_Last_5_Seconds"))
    +;; Pacemaker Functions
    +(defn hb-data [conf]
    +  (ConcurrentHashMap.))
    --- End diff --
    remove `conf`?

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