
Pull request link is https://github.com/apache/stratos/pull/10


On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 10:35 PM, Rajkumar Rajaratnam <rajkum...@wso2.com>

> Hi Devs,
> I have created a PostgreSQL cartridge [3] for Apache Stratos. It consists
> of 2 modules.
>    - PostgreSQL server
>    - phpPgAdmin web interface
> *PostgreSQL server*
> I have utilized PostgreSQL puppet module [1] from puppet laps and plugged
> in my phpPgAdmin module[2] to come up with a PostgreSQL cartridge.
> Puppet laps' PostgreSQL module has several great features. Some of them
> are,
>    - configure and manage PostgreSQL server (for example, who can access
>    and/or from where)
>    - creating and managing databases
>    - managing users, roles and permissions
>    - install PostgreSQL bindings for languages such as java (JDBC), Perl
>    and Python.
> There are more, you may refer [1] for the complete documentation.
> *phpPgAdmin Web Interface*
> I have developed a phpPgAdmin puppet module [2] for PostgreSQL server
> management through browsers.
> *Usage*
>  Everything is documented in more detail here [3].
> Sample cartridge deployment would looks like below in an openstack
> environment,
> {
>   "type": "postgresql",
>   "provider": "data",
>   "host": "stratos.com",
>   "displayName": "postgresql",
>   "description": "postgresql Cartridge",
>   "version": "9.1",
>   "multiTenant": "false",
>   "portMapping": [
>     {
>       "protocol": "http",
>       "port": "*5432*",
>       "proxyPort": "80"
>     }
>   ],
>   "deployment": {},
>   "iaasProvider": [
>     {
>       "type": "openstack",
>       "imageId": "RegionOne/f2ddf72a-4e76-4893-a9fa-e5f4352f1a86",
>       "property": [
>         {
>           "name": "instanceType",
>           "value": "RegionOne/3"
>         },
> {
>           "name": "keyPair",
>           "value": "raj-openstack"
>         },
> {
>           "name": "securityGroups",
>           "value": "all-open"
>         }
>       ]
>     }
>   ]
> }
> Sample node definition (in nodes.pp) would looks like,
> # postgresql cartridge node
> node /postgresql/ inherits base {
>   require java
>   class {'agent':}
>   class { 'postgresql::server':
>     ip_mask_deny_postgres_user => '',
>     ip_mask_allow_all_users    => '',
>     listen_addresses           => '*',
>      manage_firewall            => true,
>     postgres_password          => 'postgres'
>   }
>   postgresql::server::db { 'stratos-postgres-sample':
>     user     => 'root',
>     password => postgresql_password('root', 'root'),
>   }
>   class {'phppgadmin':
>     db_host   => 'localhost',
>     db_port        => '5432',
>     owned_only    => false,
>     extra_login_security => false
>   }
>   Class['postgresql::server']->Class['phppgadmin']~> Class['agent']
> }
> I have sent pull request 4.0.0
> Can someone review and merge the pull request [4]?
> 1. https://forge.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs/postgresql
> 2. https://github.com/R-Rajkumar/phppgadmin.git
> 3.
> http://blog.rajkumarr.com/2014/08/using-postgresql-cartridge-on-apache-stratos.html
> 4. https://github.com/apache/stratos/pull/9
> Thanks.
> --
> Rajkumar Rajaratnam
> Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc.
> Mobile +94777568639 | +94783498120

Rajkumar Rajaratnam
Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc.
Mobile +94777568639 | +94783498120

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