
I'm in the process of getting the JCA to a matching state with the PCA. As
a part of this I copied over the integration test that was written by Imesh
for the PCA, to simplify error checks and find bugs in the JCA.

There was an issue in the CartridgeEventListener where
TopologyManager.acquireReadLock() was called after a conditional return
statement. The lock is released in the finally{} block and thus it executes
before the return statement completes, i.e. before actually acquiring the

Another issue I've found so far is the -Dthrift.client.config.file.path
system property and the thrift-client-config.xml being missing in the
Cartridge agent product assembly.

I will soon submit a PR with a stable JCA.

Any feedback, ideas are appreciated! :)

Chamila de Alwis
Software Engineer | WSO2 | +94772207163
Blog: code.chamiladealwis.com

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