John, responses to your comments in-line below.


On June 11, 2017 at 9:08:42 PM, John D. Ament ( wrote:
Hey guys  

Steve asked me to look over the dependencies in Streams to see if there's any 

I don't see any issues - the dependencies you have from a binary standpoint are 
all Cat-A/Cat-B so its no issue.  

Thanks for taking a look at the dependency tree.  Good to hear you didn’t find 
any red flags.

I do have to question the scope of some of them though. If I were a user of 
Streams, it may be that Streams brings in too many dependencies. Just something 
to think about - can Streams be simplified?  

Overall we are definitely in a consolidation phase.  In the last two releases, 
the number of modules that depend on guava have dropped significantly, and 
we’ve gotten rid of third-party binary libraries twitter4j and jInstagram (and 
their transitive dependencies) in master branch.  We are well on the way to 
dropping all third-party libraries for which direct HTTP is a viable 
substitute.  This trend will continue and ultimately I expect we will be able 
to remove guava, typesafe, jackson, jodatime, and jsonschema2pojo from core 
modules (all not under streams-contrib).

We’re also dropping modules from the project faster than new ones are being 
added lately.  Third-party libraries that use binary protocols to connect with 
various databases are pretty well isolated from core functionality already.  If 
we manage to replace Streams interfaces and execution with Beam interfaces and 
execution, as has been discussed multiple times on the list with no dissenting 
voices, that would allow us to delete or migrate a lot of non-differentiated 
capabilities (runtimes and persisters) while overall increasing developer 
productivity around our primary use cases (providers and processors). - this is the raw output from maven.  

For instance. It looks like you have a scala plugin, but all modules are 
dependent on scala. Is there maybe a bad dependency somewhere in the mix?  

The scala dependency is there to support serialization of scala primitives, 
lists, maps, and other objects.  It’s almost certainly the case there is way we 
could make it optional.  I opened STREAMS-514 to address this.


On 2017-06-07 12:51 (-0400), sblackmon <> wrote:  
> Hello,  
> I wanted to let everyone know that at ApacheCon Miami I received 
> encouragement from quite a few IPMC members to graduate the project to TLP.  
> The June board report stated that we’ve completed the AMMA, and have 
> compiled a checklist of items that we might want or need to do before we 
> graduation.  The list is fairly short and contains few if any difficult or 
> essential tasks.  
> It also stated that we are likely to ask to graduate before our next IPMC 
> report.   
> So I’m opening a thread here to see if the community thinks we are ready - 
> and if we aren’t for any reason, what do you think we should do before we 
> ask the incubator to vote us to TLP?  
> Thanks,  
> Steve  
> Here’s the Streams section of the board report for reference - copied from 
> just now.  
> --------------------  
> Streams  
> Apache Streams (incubating) unifies a diverse world of digital profiles and  
> online activities into common formats and vocabularies, and makes these  
> datasets accessible across a variety of databases, devices, and platforms for 
> streaming, browsing, search, sharing, and analytics use-cases.  
> Streams has been incubating since 2012-11-20.  
> Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:  
> 1. Community growth and PMC maturity.  
> 2. Demonstrate a consistent release schedule.  
> 3. Participation of project community within related standards-bodies and 
> Apache projects.  
> Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be aware  
> of?  
> The community has completed an internal assessment using the Apache Maturity 
> Model to identify gaps that should be addressed before graduation.  
> The community is working against a task list of graduation TODOs: 
> It is likely that Streams will pursue graduation to TLP during the coming 
> quarter.  
> How has the community developed since the last report?  
> Dev List  
> 57 emails sent by 12 people, divided into 20 topics  
> Web Page  
> 820 Sessions (up ~75%), 508 Users (up ~50%), 1507 Pageviews (up ~30%).  
> Public Slack:  
> 1202 Messages, 11 Files  
> Committers Slack: #dev-streams  
> 157 Messages, 3 Files  
> How has the project developed since the last report?  
> Source Control  
> Excluding merges, 4 authors have pushed 29 commits to master. On master, 165 
> files have changed and there have been 5,891 additions and 1,647 deletions.  
> Excluding merges, 3 authors have pushed 4 commits to master. On master, 10 
> files have changed and there have been 18 additions and 72 deletions.  
> JIRA  
> 24 issues closed with 0.5-incubating release  
> 7 issues closed after 0.5-incubating release  
> 18 new issues opened this period  
> Date of last release:  
> 2017-03-20 : 0.5-incubating release  
> When were the last committers or PMC members elected?  
> 2017-04-14: Trevor Grant elected as committer / PPMC member  
> Signed-off-by:  
> [X](streams) Matt Franklin  
> Comments: The community is small, but diverse and dedicated. I look forward 
> to seeing them move past the incubator and hopefully continuing to add new 
> contributors.  
> [X](streams) Ate Douma  
> Comments:  
> [X](streams) Suneel Marthi  
> Comments:  

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