On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 07:45:56 -0400, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since I'm sure everyone is confused by now, here's the skinny:
> Tomcat:
> * Post test build
> * Testing ensues ...
> * Call a vote on the release, with the options to call it alpha, beta, stable, or 
> withdraw.

The options here are actually to either promote to one of alpha, beta
or stable, or to not promote. It's not withdrawal, since it was only a
test build in the first place.

> * Announce to the world and do the usual process of distributing the bits.
> * Post alpha (build or release)
> * Testing ensues ...
> * Call a vote on the release, with the options to call it beta or general 
> availability

Here, there *is* the notion of withdrawal, or what they call "revoking
the release". This is one reason that I prefer the Tomcat process - we
never need to revoke a release, we can simply not promote a test

> * Announce to the world and do the usual process of distributing the bits.
> The procedural difference appears to be that Tomcat has a pre-Alpha test-build and 
> can reclassify something from "test" to "alpha".

Also that deciding that a build is a "dud", to use the HTTPD term,
translates to "do nothing" in the Tomcat model, since it was only a
test build anyway, but to "revoke the release" in the HTTPD model. The
notion of having to revoke a release is a lot less appealing than
simply not promoting one.

> I don't see the technical difference between a "test" and an "alpha". The only 
> difference is political: whether there's been a PMC vote.
> Other than that, both distributions will be available from the location, and have 
> the same name, and from the user's perspective be the same thing.
> Right now, the website does not agree with what Martin and Craig are saying here. 
> I'd like to update it one way or the other. Personally, I'd like to go with the 
> original Apache HTTPD protocol, and if it makes people happy, just amend it to read 
> "test build" instead of "alpha release". I also like the idea of having a formal 
> "withdraw" option to order the distribution removed from Apache servers. (Which I'm 
> sure the HTTPD team would do anyway.)
> Could people please signify which approach they would like to use for our release 
> process, Tomcat or HTTPD? If we can get an actual majority vote on this, I'll shut 
> up.

As people might just about have guessed by now, I am +1 on the Tomcat
approach. ;-)

Martin Cooper

> -Ted.
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