On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 17:15:51 -0600, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While I'm one who has had good experiences with Spring's BeanFactory
> for managing my business objects, maybe we should focus first on
> defining what Struts is and what needs to be configured.  This would
> allow us to move more flexibly to various configuration approaches,
> or conceivably support more than one.
> I've been thinking for a while that we should stop storing so many
> things directly in the ServletContext and instead, define a "Struts"
> object which would hold these things.  I've mentioned this obliquely
> a few times and not gotten much response, so maybe no one else likes
> the idea.  Or maybe it's been too oblique.  Benefits of something
> like this would be reducing dependencies on the Servlet API and
> providing a better environment for testing.

+1 for defining a context, reducing servlet API dependencies, and
making the framework more testable. :-)

Martin Cooper

> Is there any interest in this, or is it cracked?  If it's not
> cracked, we might also take a longer-term look at abstracting the
> session, which seems tedious, but has some of the same issues.  We
> may never need to truly abstract away the HttpServletRequest, since
> the Chain context will have the same lifecycle and serve about the
> same purpose.
> Now, then:  This whole thread started as a different question and was
> motivated by an earlier question.  Assuming that we continue to use
> Digester to instantiate and populate ActionConfig objects, I would
> like to add a "generic" mapped property to ActionConfig so that
> rather than writing trivial and boring subclasses of ActionConfig,
> one can simply set properties on it.  I'd make it a Properties
> because I'd expect it to have strings, but I would accept arguments
> to make it a map instead with the idea that later other Objects might
> get in there.  (Ugh, but all that casting!)  Assuming no one objects
> in the next day or two, I'll assume it's ok, and I'll call it
> "props", just because I would rather not screw around waiting for
> another name.
> The motivation for this was a perceived flaw in the ChainAction and
> chain DispatchAction classes which won't know in which catalog to
> look for the command either one is supposed to execute.  A generic
> property map would allow the ChainAction to define the name of the
> properties it wants for its configuration, rather than requiring that
> its ActionConfig implement some specific interface just to get one
> more property in.
> Joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> http://blog.germuska.com
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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