Hi, Vic,

I am talking about a potential change to RequestProcessor in Struts. 
If that is not Struts dev related, I really don't know what is.  Is it
that nothing but standard work is supposed to be discussed on this
list or something?  I don't want to be difficult.  But if this is not
Struts dev stuff, I am completely at a loss as to what is.

My itch is that I want an ActionForm that implements Map to be able to
be processed in Struts.  Currently that would seem to be impossible. 
My itch beyond this is building a state control app for Struts.

That is definitely on topic in my view.  I would like to be able to
talk to people interested in developing Struts.  Isn't this the list
for that?

I hope you don't take this as personal in any way.  It is not. 
Everyone seems to be fine fellows and gals.  But, this is a damned
confusing list and very hard difficult to grasp the rules.  Is there
an insider requirement or something?


On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 15:29:55 -0600, Vic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can email me direct if you want as this becomes OT.
> I am not sure what your itch is.
> My itch was that I wanted easy Multirow CRUD, validation and eventualy
> display tag support, with same Formbean I used for single row. So I used
> a List. My code is on sf.net under infonoia (since I do not do much html
> anymore I have not touched it in a while).
> I can only take a guess as to why you want Map as formbean: "no
> getters/setters" so you can just get a row from DAO as Map (for example
> iBatis) so you are more loosley coupled.
> If I am wrong then... my suggestion is bs.
> Contribute to Struts? The express way IMO is to fix bugs and submit diff
> in bugzila.  Or to have a popular Struts sub project on sf.net.
> I am not a comitter, just so you know.
> .V
> Dakota Jack wrote:
> >Thanks, Vic,
> >
> >Your assistance is a little dark to me.  It seems as if you are
> >suggesting solutions other than using a Map implementation of
> >ActionForm.  Is that right?  If so, then I would rather first see what
> >I can do to make this possible.  The RequestProcessor should not, I
> >think, make this impossible.  If I misunderstand you, please let me
> >know.  I do know that I could just not configure an ActionForm, write
> >my own population, etc. and have no trouble at all.  I would prefer,
> >however, to act within the Struts context if possible and to
> >contribute.
> >
> >Jack
> >
> >
> >
> >
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