Why don't we agree to build something that will work well when used
properly and let the "idjits" get idjits?


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 14:03:59 -0800, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 15:53:35 -0600, Michael Rasmussen
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > I understand what you're suggesting, and on the face of it, it seems
> > > like a nice idea. However, I fear that including such a mechanism in
> > > Struts would lead to serious security vulnerabilities in some peoples'
> > > applications. This is because essentially *any* method on the POJO
> > > could end up being invoked accidentally or maliciously. We had an
> >
> > Isn't that only true if the form is getting its contract from the html
> > form rather than the VO?
> >
> > I am assuming the vulnerability is that someone could add a parameter
> > to their request url and inject the value into the form arbitrarily
> > calling a public "logMeIn()" method.
> >
> > If however you were to create the contract from the VO, the logMeIn
> > parameter will just be ignored.  Is that incorrect?  I'm asking
> > because I'm curious about the issue.
> The problem is that you can't guarantee that the classes people use
> this with are true VOs. Just as some people attempt to equate form
> beans with business beans today, some people would attempt to generate
> the form beans from their business beans directly with this mechanism,
> thus unwittingly exposing all of their business logic methods in a way
> that they could potentially be invoked through an additional request
> parameter.
> --
> Martin Cooper
> >
> > > issue like this with ActionForm some time ago, until someone pointed
> > > it out to us.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Martin Cooper
> > >
> >
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