I note below my biggest WISH for Struts that would be easy to
accommodate and which would transform the usefulness of Struts, in my
opinion, in a MAJOR way.

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 06:33:42 -0600, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jack, if you want to throw away ActionForm -- go for
> it!  

I have no interest in throwing away ActionForm.  I am a huge advocate
of the use of <html:form> tags.  Since you seem to think that this
somehow is or was a desire of mine, I should say that has never been
and never will be my desire.  Rather, I would prefer if we could make
ActionMappings such that a single action could result in the
instantiation of two or more ActionForm objects rather than one.  This
would simply my architecture immensely.  This also would be easy to
do.  This would allow coders to be action-centric rather than
page-centric and still be able to tie ActionForm, as originally
envisioned, to <html:form>.  As things are now, an OOP programmer has
to use one ActionForm to span two pages.


"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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