> Joe Germuska wrote:
> At 2:36 PM -0800 3/17/05, Dakota Jack wrote:
> >Suppose, Joe, that we have first.jsp and second.jsp, 
> >FirstActionForm.java and SecondActionForm.java.  We call 
> MyAction.java 
> >as the action for <html:form> in first.jsp and want to setup 
> the values 
> >in second.jsp via SecondActionForm.java.  How would you 
> configure the 
> ><action-mapping> for this use case, which I think is the most common 
> >use case there is?
> <action path="/FirstAction" name="FirstActionForm" 
> type="ProcessFirstActionFormAction">
>    <set-property key="view.formName" value="SecondActionForm" />
>    <forward name="success" path="/second.jsp" />
> </action>
> public class ProcessFirstActionFormAction extends Action {
>    public ActionForward execute(mapping,form,request,response) {
>       // perform business logic based on form, instance of 
> FirstActionForm
>      String viewFormName = mapping.getProperty("view.formName");
>      ActionForm viewForm = methodWhichLooksUpForm(request, 
> viewFormName);
>      // set up viewForm, which is expected to be an instance of 
> SecondActionForm.java
>    }
> }
> Did I understand your question?  This is assuming that you wanted to 
> do everything in an Action, which isn't my preference -- but it's 
> possible.

What would be your preference?

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