
First, let me join in the thanks and congratulations for helping push this out the door. It's great to have a solid GA of Struts 1.2 that wraps up the many changes that have been building up.

Now, sorry to nitpick ;-) but for the C2 step on ("Deploy JAR to Apache Java-Repository"), this is referring to the path /www/, which is automatically mirrored to; GA releases should be deployed to there instead of (or at least in addition to) /www/

I suppose we could discuss whether "beta" grade releases should be deployed to ibiblio, although I think it would be OK; Apache doesn't want a bunch of people relying on the repository served from /www/ so that is more for limited use cases like alpha releases or possibly nightly/snapshot builds, in the case that a project has a temporary between-releases dependency on some other unreleased code.

Assuming that you are the one who deployed it to the /www/ dir, do you want to do it again? Or do you want me to do it? I'm assuming you just did maven dist?


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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