I'm kind of surprised with all the replies indicating the willingness to think much more revolutionary rather than evolutionary... I can't say I expected that, but I'm really quite happy about being wrong :)

I really think web applications to this point, on the whole, have been rather lousy. I'm not saying anything new when I say that web-based applications set interface design back at least five years. We're only now starting to recover from that bit.

With that thought in mind, I personally see the next evolution almost really being two frameworks that work in tandem... and maybe even it is *literally* that... one the usual server-side framework, but now with a client-side component that is a fair ways beyond anything we have today. They have to be intimately tied together to really make it worth it, but I see them both being fairly complex endeavors.

We're seeing a lot of experimentation in that direction... ASP.Net, JSF, all the various Java frameworks out there, more open-source projects than you can count... but I'm not sure any of them are quite "right" yet. So, when Martin says "We've learned a lot from Struts' evolution, and we can and should learn from how other projects have tackled some of the same problems", I couldn't agree more... I think the next evolution of Struts will most definitely be a fusion of a lot of the ideas we're playing with today, and more that we haven't yet thought of.

Exciting times for sure :)


Martin Cooper wrote:
This looks really good, and fits well with my belief that the way to get to Struts 2.0 is to start by building a new core first, and then adding a compatibility layer on top of that to help people migrate.

From my own perspective, it shouldn't be a surprise to most on this list

that I have a particular interest in facilitating the creation of rich web applications - applications which may be component based, but not server side components. This proposal sets out on the right path towards that goal, and I'm planning on furthering that.

One other aspect that Don didn't mention explicitly (but which I know he had in mind) is designing for testability. Right from the get-go, we need to build in tests wherever we can.

We've learned a lot from Struts' evolution, and we can and should learn from how other projects have tackled some of the same problems. Also, as Don said, it's time we started collaborating more closely with some of these other projects, so that we can pool our resources rather than duplicate effort.

Martin Cooper

On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Don Brown wrote:

I'd been waiting to announce/propose this until I could write up a decent proposal and have the code in a better state, but with all the talk about Struts 2.0, "good" now is better than "better" tomorrow I suppose. The following is a proposal for Struts Ti, a possible successor to Struts classic:

Struts Ti is a simplified Model 2 framework for developing webapps which allows the developer better access to the underlying servlet/portlet environment. It serves a niche of web applications that don?t want the additional complexity of server-side components and verbose configuration, yet want the structure and controller features of a modern web framework. Struts Ti builds on the directions of Struts 1.x, yet re-implements the framework to provide a clean slate for the next generation of Struts Ti. It aims to combine the simplicity of Ruby on Rails and NanoWeb, the refinement of WebWork 2, the tool-friendly authoring and Page Flow of Beehive, and the lessons learned from Struts 1.x.

The key word for Struts Ti is simplicity. Ideally, Struts Ti should approach Ruby on Rails levels of easy of use, yet scale up to large applications providing a smooth transition to JSF/Shale if desired.

Key Features

* POJO-based action that combines an Action and ActionForm in a similar manner to JSF backing beans and WebWork 2 Commands * Intelligent defaults utilizing naming and placement conventions to require minimal, if any, configuration per page, however it will be possible to override everything on a global and per-action basis * Configuration can be ?assumed? or declared through annotations, xml or properties files, or any other pluggable mechanism * Pluggable EL for data binding defaulting to JSP 2.0 EL but allowing OGNL or even BeanUtils * Integration of a dialog or page flow capability drawing from Beehive, Spring?s web flow, and Shale?s Dialogs.
   * Per-Action optional interceptor chain ala WebWork 2
   * Built-in dependency injection support

Design Goals

* No servlet dependency in core framework, portlet and JSF support out of the box
   * Spring-based dependency injection in core to allow for pluggability
   * No bias to any view technology
   * Ability to layer Struts 1.x compatibility on top
   * Highly toolable
   * Smooth integration into a portal/portlet environment
   * AJAX-friendly


   * Built on the backbone of commons-chain
* No restriction on multiple Servlets and/or Servlet Filter implementations * Key decision points (action selection for example) use CoR chain for maximum flexiblity * Configuration specified using XDoclet (Java 1.4) or Annotations (Java 5+), both supported out of the box


   * Servlets 2.4
   * Java 1.4 runtime, Java 1.5 to build
   * JSP 2.0 if taglibs used

Existing project collaboration

* XWork/WebWork using their XWork and possibly parts/all of their tag libraries
   * Beehive using the Page Flow and annotations


I've setup a project site for myself and have a working, if feature sparce, framework in place. In feeling out the scope of the project, I've been working with the two projects above as I want to avoid reimplementing anything I don't have to, and think there is a lot of synergy to be had.

At this point, the project site, code, and more detailed design discussions are on my personal server:


However, I plan to move everything over to the sandbox to start the incubation process and await acceptance by the Struts PMC and developer community. I've stated before and I'm sure I'll be stating again, and again, Struts Ti does NOT compete with Struts Shale, as I see them, if accepted, as two sibiling projects serving different niches.

I've been watching the Struts 2.0 threads with interest and hope this proposal meets the needs of the Struts community for a successor to Struts Classic.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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