Very nice! The only thing I noticed is could the author, see also, etc. metadata for a document be placed at the bottom instead of the top? Now that we are rendering that, I'll need to go clean it up :)

Thanks again!


Wendy Smoak wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions for the new site.  Here's a
second draft, incorporating as many of the suggestions as I could get to:

- Navigation to subprojects is now consolidated near the top of the menu.
- If a subproject has a directory on the existing site, (bsf, flow, shale,)
the link goes to that documentation.
- If there is no existing documentation (sandbox, etc.) then the link goes
to the Maven-generated page.
- The 'Overview' at the top of the Projects menu lists all of the
Maven-generated pages, so they are all accessible.
- The subprojects are directly under the root of the website (not under a
directory called 'multiproject' any longer.)

I have not yet had time to look at the taglib documentation so that's still

I'll do something to get the JavaDoc back into the 'Documentation' menu--
probably just a page that links to the Javadoc for each subproject.  (Maven
the links under Project Reports -> JavaDoc for each subproject.)

Ted wrote:

* The Download links could point to anchors on the Acquiring page, to
provide a single gateway.

I changed the download links to point to the Acquiring page.  The anchors,
however, are a problem.

Maven links to as the
accepted structure for the xml docs.  And that includes neither the 'href'
attribute that we're using to render anchors, nor the <chapter> tag that
appears in the userGuide docs.

The XSLT is using the 'name' attribute as both the text for the section
headers _and_ the anchor name, and is ignoring the 'href' attribute

The <chapter> tags are also ignored. I changed them to empty <section> tags
to get the text to appear.  Unless <chapter> is important for some reason
I'm not aware of, (docbook?) those can probably be changed to
section/subsection tags.

Getting the anchors to work like they used to is probably going to require
modifying the XSL stylesheet
(.maven\cache\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.9.1\plugin-resources\site.jsl) and setting
a property to tell Maven to use our stylesheet.

I'm keeping notes on the site conversion here for now:

I will post a site conversion plan on the Struts Wiki tonight. I'm planning
to do the initial copy from core/docs to build/xdocs in the repository no
earlier than Friday night.


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