+1 from Gary VanMatre

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> All of the outstanding issues have been accounted for -- it's time to 
> release the initial test build of Shale! Given the amount of time since the 
> 1.0.0 release plan was first proposed, I'd like to call for a vote 
> confirming it: 
> http://wiki.apache.org/struts/ShaleRelease100 
> At this time, I would ask the PMC, committers, and other interested parties 
> to review the plan, and the state of the repository, and indicate your 
> acceptance of the plan in the usual way (+1, +0, -0, -1) along with 
> appropriate comments. 
> This vote will run from now (approximately 2pm Pacific time on Thursday, 
> 12/01/2005) for 96 hours, until 2pm on Monday, 12/05/2005) -- four days 
> instead of three because of the weekend. If the plan is accepted, I intend 
> to post the 1.0.0 build on Monday. 
> This is not a vote on the quality of the release itself. I expect that this 
> release will not graduate beyond alpha quality (due in part to dependence on 
> an unreleased Standalone Tiles component, but also to correctly set 
> expectiations for API stability). 
> Here's my +1 to kick things off. 
> Craig 

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