This reads like Shale is not only a proposal but part of Struts.  Is that
true?  If that is true, can someone explain how that happened?  What the
process was?

On 12/14/05, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 14 Dec 2005 - To give JavaServer Faces developers a head start on building
> scalable web applications for the enterprise, Apache Struts now offers the
> Shale Framework. Like the original "Struts Action Framework", Shale
> provides
> developers with a front controller, and several other components, to
> provide
> the "invisible underpinnings that hold an application together".
> "When JavaServer Faces arrived," explains the Struts website, "our
> development community chose to 'make new friends but keep the old'. Some
> of
> us want (or need) to stick with the original request-based framework.
> Others
> are ready to switch to an component-based framework that builds on
> JavaServer Faces. We offer both frameworks because we have volunteers to
> create and maintain both frameworks."
> Shale is based on the recently standardized JavaServer Faces APIs, and
> focuses on adding value, rather than redundantly implementing features
> that
> JSF already provides. Shale will run on any compliant JSF implementation,
> including the one being developed by the Apache MyFaces project. It also
> includes many features that Struts users appreciate, such as supporting
> client side validation and the Tiles framework.
> Struts Shale was discussed by Craig McClanahan in a talk at ApacheCon on
> Tuesday, December 13, 2005, entitled "Shale: The Next Struts??". Slides
> from
> the talk are available online [
> For more about Shale, visit the Struts Shale website [

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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