At 8:13 PM -0800 2/14/06, Paul Benedict wrote:
>> But I noticed the ActionContext is mainly for the request processor and looks like it contains
TOO much data that would never be exposed to an action class to use.

I may have misunderstood but I'd like for someone to clarify.....

I find it very strange that the ActionContext would allow a command to *set* the action, cancelled, exception, form valid, forward config, messages resources, and module config. As I said before, these are all controller related issues. Is it the intention of the Struts commiters to make a Command something like a new Action that should be used instead? Or are you expecting
commands to be created solely for the request processor chain?

As a matter of fact, yes. The ActionContext was designed specifically so that something in possession of one could do everything that a Struts Action class could do. There's nothing you can do with an ActionContext that you couldn't do in Struts 1.2.x without the chain if you knew where it was to be done.

More generally, the Context in the chain pattern is the common space through which commands can interact. Without it, you can't effectively decompose behavior because no command can have any way of knowing what else has happened before. The ActionContext class just implements java methods in preferences to using keys in a map. This both makes the code more readable and makes it easier to actually put the values in request or session scope, maintaining backwards compatibility with things which look there for values instead of through the ActionContext.

I find it very strange that the ActionContext would allow a command to *set* the action, cancelled, exception, form valid, forward config, messages resources, and module config. As I said
before, these are all controller related issues.

Why is this strange? The commands are controller related -- they are components of the controller.

If it is the second, then I stand by my suggestion that ActionContext should be renamed to reserve the name (ProcessorActionContext?) for the day when you want actions to receive an ActionContext like WebWork. It just contains too many internal properties you don't want a client to be able to
mess around with.

I think lots of Struts 1.x will not make a direct transition to Struts 2.x. I don't think we necessarily have to worry that much about this potential overlap. That said, I wouldn't veto a change if other committers agree strongly with Paul.


Joe Germuska
"You really can't burn anything out by trying something new, and
even if you can burn it out, it can be fixed.  Try something new."
        -- Robert Moog

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