On 2/17/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Struts Action Framework - The framework in general, including all relevant
> subprojects

We agreed to rename the subproject formally known as "Core" as
"Action", which we also refer to as the Struts Action Framework. But,
I never took that to mean that "Struts Action Framework" would also
refer to EL, Extras, Tiles, Taglib, Flow, and Scripting.

> * Struts Action Library - A numbered collection of ]versioned subprojects

I think the library should be the set of the "best available" Struts
subproject JARs that are know to work with the "best available" Struts
Action 1 JAR, and other related dependencies.

> * Struts Classic - In the trash can. We don't use this term, ever again.

I think the "Classic" term is  a useful shorthand for the original
seven dwarfs. I agree that there probably won't be a reason to tag and
build all seven together again under a single plan, as we did today.
So I doubt there won't be a need for another "Classic" release plan.
Each subproject (Action, EL, Extras, Taglib, Tiles) should now have
it's own release plan, as we did with Scripting.

> Right. But we still need a way to grab all of the sources that match that
> library.

Hmmm, I just don't see that as a regular need for that myself. A
Release Manager wouldn't need to touch the sources, only test the
JARs. In the event that someone does need to do that, I agree that
there should be a cannonical place to put the tag, so that it doesn't
need to be done twice. But I don't see why we would need to grab all
the sources in the normal course. Each subproject is a separate
release and should be treated as such. If it turns out that we do need
to do such a thing, then we can start doing it. But I'm not going to
spend any time doing it until there a demonstrated need.


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