Paul Benedict wrote:
> >> Of course, some people are already using what
> >> we already have in  production, so we need to be careful.
> Ted, I am really surprised to hear this. Whose fault is it
> to be using alpha/beta quality code in production? Certainly 
> not your fault, or any commiter's fault, except the fault of 
> the developer who thought that bleedging edge technology 
> would stop bleeding before it was released.

Paul, I think you need to step back and look at the forest.  How did the
Struts 1.3 code get written?  It is the refactoring of committers who
were extending and modifying Struts for use on their production
projects.  None of the progress happens in a vacuum based on speculation
on what people might use.  It comes out of actual use, and balances
between the twin concerns of building on what went before, and building
something of general and durable utility for the future.

> Please, let's do things "the right way" by refactoring 
> unreleased software (even it breaks the early adopters) as 
> necessary, and not breaking released software. That sounds
> like a winning strategy to me.

By its nature, Struts will always be a work in progress.  It's not a
"product" in the sense of a commercial release.  A Struts release is
just a named point-in-time.  The value of that release is judged after
the fact, by people using the release.  Putting out a release just
encourages developers outside of the circle of committers to make that
value judgement.

 - George

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