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The comment on the change is:

  The project considered as a tautology brings us to Wittgenstein.<br />For 
Wittgenstein tautology is a key point to understand the structure of language 
and as a consequence the structure of reality. Tautology could be considered as 
an interstice: it&#8217;s exactly nothing and everything at the same time, 
emptiness becomes fullness and the way around. As Wittgenstein says: 
&#8216;tautology and contradiction are the limited cases of a language 
[&#8230;] of the combination of senses that form reality&#8217;.<br />The 
general form of a proposition reveals the relation between a word and its 
referent (when there is a direct link between the understanding of a 
proposition and the understanding of reality). A tautology, which is different 
from a proposition, is true under every single condition, it doesn&#8217;t 
explain anything and so it reveals emptiness. It forms the exception by which 
the rule becomes possible. The shift from highlighting the rule to highlighting 
the exceptio
 n reveals also a shift from a mechanical to an organic approach: the rule is 
formed by the exception and the vice verso. On the one hand the mechanical 
paradigm defines the world by defining the rule, it explains the world 
causational. On the other the organic approach shows mutual relations, without 
rule or exception.<br />For Wittgenstein tautology is a complete emptiness that 
at the same time is necessary to build an atomic and philosophical 
structure.<br />When we take the idea of Tautology and emptiness to its extreme 
consequent then the interstice or meaningful emptiness stands at the basis of 
the understanding of reality and reality itself. According to this the 
emptiness can be considered as an alternative place where confusion could be 
seen as a higher level of sensibility and where production takes place. Ones 
erased the atomic approach the interstice remains. It is the place of creation 
and meaning
  <font size="4"> ]</font></p>
- <p><br />
- <font size="4">[ </font>
- I&#8217;m writing on the loss of control related to the position of the 
+  (writing on the loss of control related to the position of the curator)
- <font size="4"> ]</font>

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