This is the status of the WebWork 2 Incubation:

 1. We have an official Incubator status page at
2. March 22 is the scheduled date for the WebWork 2.2.2 release, and subsequent SVN cutover to the Apache Incubator repository. 3. The JIRA cutover is also scheduled for March 22, however, it is less certain as we are dependent on the time of Jeff Turner, the Apache JIRA guy.
 4. All but Toby Jee have sent in their CLA's and have been given an Apache 
account and SVN access.
 5. We are still gathering CLA's from non-active WebWork 2 developers and will 
be throughout Incubation

The WebWork 2 team has been working hard this entire time so while it may seem like Action 2 isn't coming along, it has been quite rapidly. The WebWork 2 commits will be sent to this list, so that everyone may be informed of its progress and encouraged to jump in and help the effort.

At this time, we are planning three migration paths for Action 1 users:
1. Dual processors, shared resources - Run Action 1 and Action 2 servlets/filters side-by-side sharing resources like messages and validations, allowing a developer to migrate a module or so at a time. 2. Migration tools - These tools would help a developer to migrate their entire application to Action 2 using XSLT stylesheets, an integration library to use existing ActionForms unmodified on Action 2, and possibly an entire port of the Action 1 processing chain to Action 2. 3. Example applications - Ted has been working hard on migrating popular Action 1 applications such as the Mailreader and the iBATIS JPetstore application over to Action 2. This will provide developers an example of Action 2 best practices and a practical example to help them migrate their Action 1 knowledge.

Again, welcome WebWork 2 development team and community, and lets try to get this Action 2 out the door ASAP, but no sooner ;)


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