Ted, others,

I would volunteer to ask for license changes at least for jscalendar, but I can do the others as well - if there is no one around who has existing links to the said projects and / or their representatives making it easier to "get through" (which I do not have explicitely).


Ted Husted schrieb:

The big item on the Incubator TODO list is verifying distribution
rights. The items here are

(1) Verify that the files that have been donated have been updated to
reflect the new ASF copyright.

(2) Verify that for all code included with the distribution that is
not under the Apache license, we have the right to combine with
Apache-licensed code and redistribute.

(3) Verify that all source code distributed by the project is covered
by one or more of the following approved licenses: Apache, BSD,
Artistic, MIT/X, MIT/W3C, MPL 1.1, or something with essentially the
same terms.


As to (3), in another thread Rainer cited at least four components
that we need to be address

* JSCalendar for the DatePicker tag

* FCKEditor for the Richtexteditor tag

* Walter Zorns tooltip library for all UI Tags

* tabbedpane.vm Archived UI template

Martin suggested that there may be DOJO equivalents for all four of
these. (Unless tabbed pane is server-side.)

Is anyone planning on checking on these yet?


As to (2), if we resolve (3), will there be any other *code* that
would not be under the ASF.

As to (1), I scanned the Java source for copright statements. We seem
to be in pretty good shape. Most of those that have copyright
statements run to "Open Symphony Group". But, there are a few

* Copyright (c) 2005 ePlus Corporation (SessionContextAutowiringInterceptor)
* Copyright (C) NanoContainer Organization (org.apache.struts.action2.pico)
* Copyright (c) 2005 Your Corporation.

Well, the last one, I think we can safely ignore :)

I believe the first one is Jason's employer. If possible, it would be
great if we could get a software grant or CCLA to cover this class.

Meanwhile, has the software grant for "Open Symphony Group" gone on
file yet? I looked but I didn't see it.


As to the package naming, did anyone want to change their vote to
followup on Gabe's suggestion? Otherwise, it looks like the
conventions suggested by Rainer have the most support.

I don't know if we want to bring XWork into the ASF now, later, or
never. Of course, it's a great package and I'm sure we'd love to have
it, if the XWork developers would like to donate and support it.

There would also be the question of whether XWork is something that we
would maintain here, or whether we might want to propose it to the
Jakarta Commons, where it might find a broader audience.


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