At 7:39 AM -0500 3/27/06, Ted Husted wrote:
STATUS update


JSCalendar for the DatePicker tag
* Rene will contact author about license change
* There may also be a Dojo equivalent

Dojo has a date picker:

it is somewhat less fully featured than JSCalendar. I haven't used it in an app. JSCalendar has worked well for me in other apps, but I haven't gotten very deeply into how it works nor have I investigated integrating it with JSP tags.

FCKEditor for the Richtexteditor tag
* Is there a Dojo equivalent?

Dojo does have a rich text editor:

I've actually not yet had cause to apply a RTE in an application.

Walter Zorns tooltip library for all UI Tags
* Is there a Dojo equivalent?

I'm pretty sure there is not.

tabbedpane.vm Archived UI template
* Is this a server-side compoonent, or is there a Dojo equivalent?

I'm not sure what this is -- is it this?

I've used Dojo tabs in an application satisfactorily. A rearchitecture of the implementation introduced some problems, so I forked the original implementation into my own widget package and soldiered on. I'm not enough of a JS/DHTML whiz to understand why my page looked wrong in the new tab implementation, but it was an awfully complicated page.

I wonder if there's a way to generalize an "API" out of these so that we are less bound to an implementation. Certainly, a date picker or rich text field which ultimately just ends up setting a value of a single form field should be not too hard to generalize, although I haven't looked at all the models for integrating JS widgets into a page neatly. I guess there are also issues of triggering the widgets, etc.

Hope this helps.

Joe Germuska
"You really can't burn anything out by trying something new, and
even if you can burn it out, it can be fixed.  Try something new."
        -- Robert Moog

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