On 3/27/06, Gabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> for the tag prefix, I am actually thinking "html" might be best.
> While Struts Action 2 is supposed to be a "revolution" in order
> for us to keep the community behind it, we ought to make it
> seem as much of an "evolution" as possible. (Otherwise, why
> wouldn't a struts developer look at this as the opportunity to try
> something completely different?) Therefore, I think using html
> for the ww form tags etc would be ideal.

I like "html" prefix especially if the taglib could be portable to,
say, SAF 1.3 or even to plain JSP environment.

I suggest to analyze all tags and to deprecate everything that is
already supported in JSTL 1.0. WW features that duplicate features of
JSTL 1.1 should be considered "half-deprecated" since a lot of people
still use Tomcat4 (my provider quoted me $50 for upgrade to Tomcat5,
nah). JSP 2.0 has new features like resource messages support, SAF2
should promote using these more generic J2EE features instead of
proprietary tags and property files.

SAF2 should also make clear what platform it targets. Stripes, for
example, uses Java5 specifically for annotations and other internal
niceties like typed collections. Should SAF2 target JDK1.4 or Java5?
Should it target JSP1.2+JSTL1.0 or JSP2.0? I think that JSP2.0 is a
better target and JSP pages are much cleaner, but there should be
compatibility package for JSP1.2, kind of like Tomcat5 has for JDK1.4.

On 3/27/06, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 7:39 AM -0500 3/27/06, Ted Husted wrote:
> >tabbedpane.vm Archived UI template
> >* Is this a server-side compoonent, or is there a Dojo equivalent?
> I'm not sure what this is -- is it this?
> http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/nightly/tests/widget/test_TabPane.html
> I've used Dojo tabs in an application satisfactorily.  A
> rearchitecture of the implementation introduced some problems, so I
> forked the original implementation into my own widget package and
> soldiered on.  I'm not enough of a JS/DHTML whiz to understand why my
> page looked wrong in the new tab implementation, but it was an
> awfully complicated page.

Would be great to see an example of how tabbed panes work with forms
and buttons inside the panels.


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