Don Brown wrote:
Frank, good job!

Thank :) I've actually had to drop Webwork from the project I've been plugging away on (*very* tight deadline, and I was facing a problem I couldn't resolve quickly so I had to cut my losses), but I intend to circle back around very soon to play some more. Hopefully that will yield some more content for those pages.

> I like the discussion on the missing ForwardAction as
that is something Struts users would immediately pick up. IIRC, Ted noticed that as well and started a dialog about it on the WW forum. I look forward to more good tips and discussion. :)

I suspect a Webwork version of ForwardAction is really nothing more than the code I posted on that page, with the exception that you don't need to specify the "parameter" attribute, you just use a regular result forward. This is exactly what Rainer described in the referenced post.

OTOH, as Ted pointed out, the ActionSupport class already does this by default, so in fact there probably is no need for a new class (just updated the Wiki to reflect this... I think I missed this originally in that thread).



Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Did a little reorganizing of that page, added a little verbiage to describe some things, and put in two "starter" pages. Hope everyone likes it! (more importantly, because I'm certainly new to WW, I hope I didn't get anything wrong!)


Don Brown wrote:
Perfect! Frank, you take the lead on that. You have a lot more experience in what works and doesn't with wiki pages, and are good at explaining topics at a user level - exactly what we need. Those topics sound like a good start, yet flexible down the road.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help,


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Don, do you have a preference how you would like that Wiki page organized? I've spent the last few days building (trying to anyway) a Webwork app, and I'd like to record one or two finds and thoughts.

I was thinking a section under References named "Webwork From A Struts Perspective" with subsections "Migrating" (specifically dealing with migrating Struts apps to Webwork), "Issues and Solutions" (any issues a Struts developer might face in using Webwork for the first time, and how to solve them) and "General Thoughts" (things that maybe could be better, things that are a really nice and people should be aware of, etc.) might suffice. Each would just be a page of bullet points. What do you think?



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