On 4/5/06, James Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, is it 1.3.1 or 1.3.2?

The versions are correct.  Struts Tiles has a separate build and is at
1.3.1-SNAPSHOT, having had a 1.3.0 test build.  The Struts Action jars
(core, el, extras, taglib...) will be versioned together and should be
at 1.3.2-SNAPSHOT.  (There was a 1.3.1 test build for struts-action,
so that number has been used.)

> Q. I know there was apprehension about moving to Maven 2 a while back
> because of the lack of plugins compared to maven 1.  Is this still
> the case?

While I haven't tried to build the entire Struts Action project with
m2, (yet!) I have been watching MyFaces' Maven build.  I think that
project is similar enough (taglibs, webapps, etc.,) that if they're
okay with m2, we should be too.

As a bonus, we can borrow from the MyFaces build... which I did. :) 
Take a look at action/assembly and feel free to make changes.  I just
took the myfaces-core assembly and removed things until it started
working.  (Be sure to build struts-core again before trying the


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