Yeah, I read that post, and while interesting, I'm not sure it would hold much value, particularly for Action 2 applications.

Basically, the approach intercepts the usual Faces processing at the start, turning the lifecycle into one used by Action 1. Action 2, based on WebWork, doesn't have a predefined workflow process, leaving that job up to interceptor chains. This allows you to customize the completely workflow for a single action or groups of actions (called packages). In fact, you could argue that perhaps JSF should be implemented as Action 2 interceptors :)

The two advantages mentioned, navigation and EL, are debatable. Action 2 uses Results, allowing for each action to specify one or more results which could be a simple JSP forward, a Velocity template, or even a Jasper reports. As I understand JSF navigation, the results are simple request dispatches, harking back to Action 1-type functionality. Using EL, on the other hand, I personally don't see as a great benefit. The new unified EL lacks many of the key features that makes EL and OGNL in particular, so attractive. For example, OGNL supports method invocation, type conversion, and projection, features, AFAICT, aren't supported by EL and won't ever be. Still, one of our goals in Action 2 is to make the EL pluggable, so in the future, developers can choose between the unified EL and OGNL, and perhaps other options.

The only advantage I can see of this approach is to allow developers to write backing beans, using the same FacesContext as other pages that fully use JSF, but even then, Action 2 actions are POJO's and support arbitrary method invocation already, so the remaining advantage would be the FacesContext consistency.

I'm not a JSF expert, so perhaps I'm missing something big. I still see the areas ripe for collaboration are annotations and efforts to make JSF backing beans and Action 2 Actions useable in both frameworks. Also, I was only half kidding about implementing JSF as Action 2 Interceptors... ;)


Sean Schofield wrote:
[Moving this aspect of the discussion from myfaces to struts list ...]

On 4/7/06, Jacob Hookom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Covered here a bit:


Great blog entry!

@ Struts Dev:

I recommend you check this out.  Jacob outlines how its possible to
create a simple action oriented framework on top of the JSF API
without fussing with components.    You really get a sense for how
powerful (and pluggable) the API really is.

Maybe this a possible Action/Shale/MyFaces cooperation opportunity? Maybe the Webwork stuff could take advantage of the EL and
NavigationHandler?  Its not 100% JSF but it would bring the
Action/Shale frameworks a little closer together.

Back at ApacheCon USA we talked about trying to work more closely
between the two frameworks.  To me, this idea has some interesting
possibilities.  I know there was some interest in the Shale dialog
stuff but why not get the impressive navigation and EL capabilities of
JSF for free?


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