Gary VanMatre wrote:
> So again, at it's core for JSF 2.0, we refactor FacesContext to instead have a
> ProcessingContext (shorter name?) instead of a UIViewRoot. The
> lifecycle/interceptors instead inter rogate the ProcessingContext for alternate > behavior while allowing those interceptors to pass a visitor to flexibly
> processing a whole composition of delegate concerns within the request.
Why is the UIViewRoot not a registered component in the faces-config? It seems like there are several hooks in the view root that could be overridden for this type of behavior since the lifecycle starts each phase at the view root.
This is what I'm doing for JSF Avatar such that a custom UIViewRoot is used to act as a mediator to filtered subsets of the component tree for partial processing over AJAX. UIViewRoot is registered as a component type and is overridable, but global to the application because it falls under the same 'laws' as any other UIComponent.

Contractually, I believe we want something similar to UIViewRoot moving forward, but simplified such that it hopefully becomes much easier for other frameworks to implement alternate types of requests. I believe this would cascade through the rest of the UIComponent API such that it would be more conceivable to have a non UIComponent be a parent of something like an ActionComponent or ValidationComponent, retaining the (naked) compositional nature of JSF.

So it just comes down to the fact that UIViewRoot is a UIComponent where it would be more flexible to say that a UIComponent would implement a simpler interface (which anyone could-- without being bound to the laws of UIComponents). Overall, the concepts of JSF are *very* simple, we just need to boil the contracts down such that the API becomes much more accessible to other request life cycles, supported by a flexible controller within the spec.
> Fundamentally, this is very similar to what we've done with the EL-API-- Seam, > Shale, and Spring can all provide behavior from different contexts, coordinated > by vistors in the form of ELResolvers which provides a *very* flexible way of > mapping back to models within MVC. Now lets do the same for MVC controllers.
> -- Jacob
> >Jacob Hookom wrote:
> >> The NavigationHandler has that default behavior. But much like WebWork
> >> allows the pluggable ActionMapper, all parts of JSF are pluggable in
> >> that manner. Seam and SWF are two examples of plugging in alternate
> >> logic for navigation handling. So the emphasis is put on the API, not
> >> the implementation.
> >
> >I guess what I'm saying is the navigation is already the way we want it. What
> >would reimplementing it as a
> >NavigationHandler bring to the table?
> >
> >> I've been trying to get everyone behind the EL-API. The 'traditional'
> >> EL implementation provided in the spec is, again, only one
> >> implementation. The JEXL implementation of the EL-API would be a piece > >> of cake, OGNL wouldn't be that hard either if they would use JavaCC with
> >> the visitor=true when compiling the grammar.
> >
> >Ok, I was under the impression that the Unified EL was tightly coupled to the
> >implementation. If the API is abstract
> >enough to handle different implementations such as OGNL, then this is good
> >news. This might be the abstraction we were
> >looking for to ensure Action 2 isn't tied to one EL. Of course, deciding to
> >implement the EL API by OGNL is one thing,
> >finding someone with the time and expertise to do it is another :)
> >
&g t; >Do you know of an alternate implementation of the EL API and/or more
> >documentation about it? In my research, everywhere
> >I saw it mentioned it didn't make the distinction, and comments, particularly
> >on TSS, seemed to indicate the features I
> >previously mentioned were explicitly rejected (method invocation, for
> >example).
> >
> >Ok, so we can walk away with saying we might be able to collaborate on the EL
> >API, provided someone steps up and ports
> >OGNL or an EL with a similar set of capabilities to it. I'm still not
> >convinced implementing WebWork as a Lifecycle
> >implementation would bring any value for 95% of the applications, however, at
> >some point, I am planing on porting Struts
> >Faces to Action 2 for the edge case of a WebWork app that wants to take
> >advantage of JSF components, the real draw of
& gt; >JSF IMO, for certain pages. At which time, I'll look more into different
> >integration approaches like this one.
> >
> >I guess the bottom line I think our best bet is to focus on discrete problems
> >like EL, validation, annotations, etc. for
> >integration. From a framework developer perspective, sharing APIs is
> >interesting, but not so for the end user, who
> >could probably care less. I guess I'm trying to see what advantages this
> >would bring to the end user. The one
> >capability of JSF that I'd like to use in an Action 2 application, as an end
> >user, is its stateful components,
> >particularly complex, out-of-the-box components. I'd be interested to hear of
> >more capabilities an Action 2 developer
> >would get out of such a hybrid.
> >
> >This is a good discussion, and I hope it can continue and be a ben efit to both
> >communities.
> >
> >Don
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