I'm not sure two major releases is what's best for users.

- If SAF2 is going to be the same as WW2, why have it at all? I think
it will confuse users unnecessarily.
- We'll be stuck supporting WW2, SAF2, and SAF3 instead of just WW2 and SAF2.
- Some users will migrate to SAF2 and then will have to migrate again to SAF3.
- People will think we're incompetent and disorganized and that we
care more about playing than supporting users based on the fact that
we completely redesigned our framework twice in such a short period of
time (SAF1 -> SAF2 -> SAF3).

I think we're overestimating the amount of effort it will take to do
this right. Designing a clean API that we can support for the next 5
years should be our #1 priority. We can do a minimal amount of work on
the implementation so we can release ASAP and clean it up later.


On 4/24/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the RoughSpots page,
> * http://wiki.apache.org/struts/RoughSpots
> there's a reference to Action 3.x that speaks as if it's far away.
> That doesn't need to be the case. We can create a branch for "Action
> Next" or "Ti2" as soon as the code comes down from the incubator. We
> did the same for Action 1.2 and Action 1.3. We've continued to
> maintain and extend Action 1.2, while more agressive changes where
> made to Action 1.3.
> The original proposal was for Ti to happen in two phases. The first
> phase was to release Action 2.0 based on WebWork 2.2 by making only
> necessary and prudent changes. More aggressive changes were to happen
> in Ti Phase 2. Many of the "Rough Spots" may be Phase 2 changes. Phase
> 2 might be Action 2.1 or Action 3.x. That's a decision we can make
> later.
> Personally, I don't believe the release of Action 2.0 is going to
> create a migration stampede. Some people who are starting new projects
> may decide to use Action 2 instead of Action 1. But the people I know
> won't bother to migrate existing applications. At least not anytime
> soon.
> Right now, some teams that are looking forward to Action 2 are getting
> started with WebWork 2.2 now. I suggest that Job One should be to get
> a current release out there that we can use while we work on Phase 2.
> Otherwise, we could easily find ourself maintaining WebWork 2.x at
> OpenSymphony and then having to mirror any changes in Action 2.x at
> Apache Struts.
> I think it's important to first create a stable release of Action 2.0
> as the direct successor to WebWork 2.2, and then focus on the more
> aggressive changes slated for Phase 2. We can make it very clear to
> people that "Phase 2" is in the works, so people who don't want to
> migrate more than once can make an informed decision.
> Thoughts?
> -Ted.
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