On 4/25/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, April 25, 2006 3:42 pm, Nathan Bubna said:
> >> Question: does submitting a patch have to mean having the patch
> >> accepted?
> >> At first glance, the obvious answer is yes, but I'm not so sure it's
> >> really the obvious answer... if someone has submitted a number of
> >> patches
> >> that were not committed for reasons other than purely technical (i.e.,
> >> the
> >> patch will break X), should those patches be considered?
> > <snip/>
> >
> > forgive me for being blunt, but this is nonsense.  who wants a
> > committer whose work breaks X?  those patches aren't part of the
> > "work" of the project.  that's a bummer for the submitter, but this is
> > not about effort or desire or concern or anything other form of
> > interest in a project.  it's about merit.  if you don't have it, then
> > you are s.o.l.   Oh, and if you do have it but insist on changing this
> > to be more about "interest" than "merit" (i.e. you don't "get it"),
> > then you should not be the least surprised when you find a lot of
> > resistance. :)
> I think you may have misunderstood... someone who's code breaks X SHOULD
> NOT be considered.  I didn't say otherwise :)  As for interest vs. merit,
> I don't at all disagree... merit is what counts.  My only point would be
> that what constitutes "merit" may not be, or maybe should not be, as
> simple as "how many accepted patches has this person put forward".  Ted
> hinted at that with his commented about the Wiki being considered.  I
> agree that code trumps all else, as it should be, but should that be the
> *only* consideration?

no, not just code; documentation is great too!  and personally, the
only parts of wiki contributions that ought to be considered are those
that become part of the official release/distribution.  those are the
wiki-submitted patches that have been accepted.

> Well, in any case, you raise a good point about the proposal maybe being
> more of a paradigm shift than I thought.  I may have miscalculated that.
> You also raise some other fair points above I think about being a
> fundamental change in what community is.
> I sincerely thank everyone that commented, I appreciate you taking the
> time out of your busy schedules to at least consider the proposal.  I
> won't push it any further, being heard and considered is all I could have
> expected.

thanks for stirring the pot!  it's a healthy thing. :)

> Frank
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