Thanks for mentioning this project, Angelo.

In the future, you can start a new thread for product announcements.
It's also helpful to include "[ANN]" or "[ANNOUNCE]' in the subject
line. When you are ready for a stable release, the list is usually the best place to announce
extensions and taglibs.


On 4/27/06, Angelo zerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I mail you to announce JSPTabControl project is created.

JSPTabControl is JSP taglib for manage tabs in your JSP. This taglib
generate tabs with "pure CSS tabs" technique (using "li" and "ul").
JSPtabControl give you several features :
1. tab control (body and header) and tab page (body and header) can be
easily customized with CSS.
2. titles of tab header page can be localized, by using Struts
AplicationResources or Resource Bundle file properties.
3. select a tab with JAVA code (for example in your action struts).
4. keep last tab selected after posting form.
5. set a state (INVISIBLE, READ-ONLY, FORBIDDEN, ERROR, ...) with JAVA code
for a particulary tab page :
    5.1. to manage render of tab page (header and body) by using CSS.
    5.2. to execute function javascript swith events (eg : when tab page has
FORBIDDEN state, you could execute javascrit message alert "You are not
authorized to access this tab!" when user click in this tab page).
You can manage any states. States are configurate (Style class and
Javascript to execute) into XML file.
 States can be used for exemple to manage role in your WEB Application.
6. use EL syntax (see JSTL specification) in JSPTabControl attributes taglib
(with, height,...) to evaluate JSP expressions dynamically.

You can find JSPTabControl  WEB site at and download it at

Regards Angelo

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